MovieChat Forums > The Unauthorized Full House Story (2015) Discussion > What's worse. The acting or the wigs ???...

What's worse. The acting or the wigs ???!!!

It's a fun watch though. In that it's so bad it's good kind of way. I saw where Christy Teagan (sp)tweeted "This Full House movie is glorious, glorious garbage !" Lol.


I can handle a bad wig over painful acting any day.


Those were some of the worst wigs I have ever seen.

Almost scary.


Chrissy Teigen has some nerve criticizing anything! The wigs were SO bad but the acting was even worse.


I have to go with the wigs. Bad acting isn't always because of the actors, they're just doing what they're told and only had so much to work with, so I can forgive the bad acting. I couldn't justify the bad wigs. I've seen better wigs in costume shops for $20, so I doubt it was because of the budget. I think they just got terrible stylists.


So it's tied so far. Bad wigs 2, bad acting 2. Lol.


The acting is worst and so were the wigs but the acting win in be worst

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


Ok, 3-2 bad acting pulls ahead.
