MovieChat Forums > Bumblebee (2018) Discussion > What? No 3D Blu-ray?!?

What? No 3D Blu-ray?!?

So, they announced the home video releases for this movie, and it seems there won't be any 3D release. Wich is a shame (well, outrageous), because the IMAX 3D was great in this movie. It's such a waste of good work. Paramount movies have the best 3D work anyways. I can't believe they wont make it available. They actually did the same thing with M:i-6. Which I could live with, but this is Transformers! Visuals are everything here! I hope it's not gonna be a new tendency at Paramount, because homes are full if 3D players and TVs, and there is a massive 3D collectors base for this kind of stuff. Where should I sign for a Bumblebee 3D Blu-ray???
(And please don't come to talk about the unnecessary function of 3D etc, this post is not for you. There's clearly a bunch of us who love the format.)


Home 3D is dead in the USA, maybe you can order it Region Free from some other country. I buy Marvel 3D movies from Amazon UK.


I see it in the stores but I don't know anybody who actually has a home 3D setup. I mean, I'm sure it's out there, but not enough to support itself. If more and more movies aren't getting the treatment, it's probably going the way of the dodo.

Maybe 3D streaming is on the horizon and they're already transitioning.


because homes are full if 3D players and TVs, and there is a massive 3D collectors base for this kind of stuff

Stop lying, there's no such thing. 3D sucks, and it always will. There are very few 3D films in the UK being released, and it's dying out fast.


Interesting. If this is really the case, then why are many video distributors buying 3D movies from international sources to sell here in the U.S. Because there really is a huge 3D market. Also, why are projector systems selling like hotcakes in 3D cheaper than big screen TVs. The reason...the 3D market is all about the experience. If you were right, then surround sound and Dobly Atmos would also be dying out.

It is the small minded TV viewers that can't get the concept. The U.S market is all about resolution. 4k sucks. Why would I care about seeing a freckle on someone's face when i can see the blaster bolt from Rocket blazing at me like it would in reality.

The reason 3D is harder to get in the U.S. is because they want you to spend the $100 bucks to take your family to the theater instead of waiting 3 months to get the blu-ray for $30 bucks. Sounds like sheep to me.


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According to some it seems that Paramount is no longer supporting 3D for home viewing in any format or region. Or they’re slowly dropping it. That’s unfortunate for those who enjoy and want to see certain movies in 3D at home. And right now, it doesn’t look like Bumblebee will be getting a 3D release anywhere.

Ah, well. I’m going to see it in 3D again before it leaves the big screen. (It wasn’t played in IMAX 3D anywhere near me... bummer.) Although the movie is relatively grounded, it is nevertheless a visual treat and the effects greatly benefit from 3D.


"Ah, well. I’m going to see it in 3D again before it leaves the big screen."

You probably just answered the question why they're dropping the 3D format for home releases :(


After having read various articles over the last 5 years concerning 3D and its decline in overall revenue/popularity (general audiences are losing interest in the format it seems), I guess you can say I’m grateful that 3D is still even a thing in theaters/cinemas.

But as the poster above mentioned, home 3D in the USA is for sure a different story. Just hope Paramount is the only studio - purportedly - dropping the 3D format for home viewing altogether. Here’s a secret: they’re not.



they announced the home video releases for this movie. and it comes out on April 2.


But I don't see the 3D version anywhere


Fortunately my 3D system can convert 2D to 3D , not quite the same as true 3D but this was one reason I picked the system I did....I keep hunting all over the world for 3D movies, just the 3D disk. Thank goodness for the inter net.


It really is some bs that no 3d Blu ray was available . My cinema showed it in 3D at all. Thankfully cable in the uk has a 3D version and it looks damn good but now I just wonder how amazing a Blu ray version woulda been :-(
