Arden stalkerish???

is it just me or does arden kind of come off as obssessed with audrina?in the movie he said he got his mother to move so he could be near her and all the bond and vow talk a little creepy>> agree or disagree??


I've seen the movie once and it was awful. He didn't come acros that way to me. The book explains more of why he tends to hang around Audrina so much.


MAJOR SPOILERS but this is the basis of Arden's obsession: the first Audrina was apparently a very snobby girl, and a few adolescent sickos followed her through the woods when she was going home. She was found gang-raped and murdered. When the second Audrina began to regain her memories she realized she and the first Audrina were one and the same, and her parents had brainwashed her into believing the gang-rape had happened to her dead older sister with the same name. As for Arden, he had a crush on the first Audrina. He also followed her that day and while he was not a part of the assault, he witnessed it and did nothing. What's more, the first Audrina saw him and when she cried for help he ran away. He was consumed by guilt and was determined to make sure she was never hurt again, and in his determination to protect her he unintentionally hurt her even more when she finally realized he had known everything all along.


Oh and the gang-rape was orchestrated by Vera, but Arden and Damien were not aware of it at the time.
