Horrible adaptation

Whoever wrote the script forgot about something called "build-up", everything just came and went without time to even care about it, characters died and you really didn't care about them because they were so not fleshed at all.

Looks aside, which I felt was impossible to adapt, and key characters missing, what was left was an unconnected mess, if you have not read the book I guess it would be hard to follow, too many holes. A shame because the actors weren't that bad with what they were given, but somebody forgot this was a Gothic tale and it lacked a creepy atmosphere. The cheap sets, like in the FITA movie, were also another problem, Whitefern was written to look a lot more menacing, especially in Audrina's childhood.

One thing I really missed was the relationship between Ellsbeth and Lucietta, a shame they took out their Aunt Mercy Marie tea-times because it explained a lot about the characters. I found it really annoying that Audrina's childhood lasted only a few minutes of the movie and only touched the very tip of the iceberg, because it was the part I always liked the most on the book.

And to round the year, an unnecessary book sequel is going to be released in a few days.


That's the problem with V.A film adaptions, they're aren't horrors! And when Virginia began writing (and she only actually wrote a few books before she died) her genre was gothic horror. If David Lynch had directed these tv adaptions they'd at least be a little bit true to tale hahaha!
