part 2...not Finale

I enjoyed the story line, though not original. The point of this writing is simple and touched on in the reviews. If I had known it was to be continued with a break of one year, I would never had started the "movie". The producers have done an injustice to those who have viewed this and that is the bottom line. says part 2 in 2016, not Finale (more parts?)


So agree and think it is a ploy to buy the book for some clarity/ resolution...but even the book is getting horrid reviews. Whoever sat in a conference room at Hallmark and green lit this stupid idea should be fired. Both parts should have been shot and shown this year. It would have been a huge win. They spent tons of $$ to produce all these other new holiday shortsighted.


I agree if I would have known I would have to wait 12 months to see the ending I would have skipped it !!!! Craziness !!


BTW it's not 12 months.
Please check out the other thread: part 2 will be aired in March 2016.


You make a good point about this being potentially more than a 2-parter. They definitely didn't say conclusion. Once it ended, I went to see about the book and it didn't appear to move too many people, so I'm not holding out hope for the rest of it.

Hallmark sure kept repeating it over the holidays though. Likely annoying more and more people.

"Me? Me? You mean ME?!" Insane Rick Grimes
"Anger makes you stupid.Stupid gets you killed" Michonne


If they make this another cliffhanger, there will be blood.


Let me say that when I first saw this movie this year both parts were shown together on the Hallmark Movie Channel. That said at 4 hrs with commercials included this was 2 and a half hrs too long. I felt that Molly & Ryan had no chemistry and their subplot was boring. I can't imagine watching this for 2 hrs then learn Part 2 is months down the road then see it and be bored out of my skull until the happy ending. This was a 90 minute film at the most.

The truth of life has been revealed.
