
The acting is just horrendous in this movie. It's unbelievable that Karen and Hugh were an item he looks old enough to be her father. He must have been in his thirties and when he took her to the prom,GROSS!How come these movies always make people from New York City look pretentious and unable to assimilate to Country Life what b*******! Why would you need a DJ play Christmas music at the farm hoedown/dance. Just god-awful even for a lifetime movie


I think Juliet "assimilated" pretty easily. She was upset that she had to spend the holidays away from her friends in NYC, and that there was no cell service. Otherwise, she adapted quickly. She was happy to see the horse, happy to make a friend, and even though she didn't know what a "barn dance" was, she still came and had fun. And from that point on, she never really complained about being there - she even took a "country" job without hesitation.

Most of the things Juliet didn't know about living in the country were understandable, much the same way that someone from the country might take a while to figure out the subway or how to hail a taxi in New York.

As for her mom, she didnt have trouble "assimilating", she had grown up in that environment and didn't want to go back.


Quite a young dad then, since Abell 13 years older than Allen. People never do their research before commenting.
I find it worse that they keep casting older actresses as high school students. The actress playing Juliet is 27 during this movie (1988), which makes her mum (Allen) a teen mum (1971) :')
