Fake Reviews?

Why do all of the reviews for this film on IMDb sound massively fake? The way they are written reminds me of the ones for Jurassic World.

Always very upbeat and jovial, with some sort of background and often stating where the film was seen.

Smells shilltastic to me.


Because Frank D'Angelo pays people to positively review his crappy movies. The actors involved in them talk about how bad the movies are but troops of first time IMDB reviewers find them awesome. Nothing suspicious there. Oh and if you talk enough sh*t about his movies on the message boards Frank D'Angelo himself will reply and call you names. He's a sad little man. It's fun, try it

Fine cinema enthusiasts please prepare to talk smack about my intelligence and/or education


Wow you must have a major hate on for this guy and his movies I see you on all his movies giving him major slams I personally didn't like this movie but my wife and son did? What are you going to do?


I find it pretty suspicious that after he slams Frank D'Angelo and says the guy will actually pop up to defend his movies...you suddenly pop up to defend the movie. Signed up for only 3 days and this is your only comment...so either you're a paid sychophant, Frank D'Angelo himself, or someone so stupid that you signed up to IMDB to tell people that your wife and son liked a movie. And to top if off you even offer up the challenge of "What are you going to do?".

Well I don't know what he'll do...but I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to call you an idiot you idiot.


You're correct I recently joined this site you must follow my twitter account I recognize your anger and hate you use fake accounts to spew your poison people like you usually choke on their own poison #idiot


Your twitter? I don't even know who you are but you seem like you're batsh!t crazy. And paranoid. And delusional. Like seriously, how stupid are you? Yes, I made this account 9 years ago just so that I could troll you. Freaking idiot.


What I find suspicious is that he talks about his Twitter (which Frank does and uses a lot), and says "choke on their own poison" which is something Frank says a lot. "Go choke on your own hate," "go choke on your own poison," etc, etc.

I'd bet hard cash on the fact that "Joey Dante" is Frank using one of his many, many fake accounts.


by joeydante » 17 hours ago (Sun Sep 4 2016 06:27:08) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since August 2016
You're correct I recently joined this site you must follow my twitter account I recognize your anger and hate you use fake accounts to spew your poison people like you usually choke on their own poison #idiot


I rest my case #idiot


You sure know a lot about him very creepy how much cash are you willing to put up? I bet dollars to doughnuts you're a fake crazy man account #idiot



No I do not but it's clear by your posts that you do! I have reported your abuse I suggest you get back on your medication. #idiot


What abuse? There is seriously something wrong with you. You literally come off as a crazy person.


See? What did I say? Talk enough sh*t about his movies on the message boards Frank D'Angelo himself will reply and call you names.

Fine cinema enthusiasts please prepare to talk smack about my intelligence and/or education


Wow. It's like saying Candyman in the mirror.


Only smellier

Fine cinema enthusiasts please prepare to talk smack about my intelligence and/or education


Yes, absolutely. Most of the reviews are from members who have just been here a few weeks/months and have reviewed and rated only this movie. I guess they are all D'Angelo's friend and family - you know, family must stick together ;) .

Though watchable (because of the great cast), the rest is forgettable and would have required some editing. I gave it a gracious 4/10.

My list: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls053994183/?start=1&view=grid&sort=created:desc&defaults=1&lists
