MovieChat Forums > Range 15 (2016) Discussion > I have to remove some points. from the s...

I have to remove some points. from the score...

A few things first.

This was the first zombie movie that didn't piss me off. Usually characters in those only survive because of massive plot armor. They always do a lot of really stupid stuff. Best example: The Walking Dead. The characters there are all morons and should all have been dead halfway into season 1, but thanks to the atrocious plot armor a few of them are given in the comics (I'm looking at you, Rick Grimes & Son), they keep surviving for no good reason other than "plot armor!" and levels of deus ex machina that are so bad that they aren't even comical anymore.

In this movie, however, the characters just kill the Zs and don't do the usual stupid crap you're used to from zombie movies.

Also, if you know Ranger Up and Article 15, you know what to expect.

Also, considering that this is an indie movie that not even qualifies as B movie, with a cast that is largely untrained in acting it's still significantly better than most of the crap pumped out by mainstream Hollywood these days. In the acting department it easily beats the Star Wars prequels (and those were full of allegedly trained experts.) Plot wise? Come on, it's a zombie movie, what do you expect, yet it's still better than mainstream trash like The Fifth Wave or Twilight. Rocco's love story with the zombie girl is better than The Notebook.

Plus, all the little side shots at themselves? The guys have a sense of humor that doesn't stop at themselves.

Now, why do I have to remove some points from the score?

1) There was only one PT belt in the movie and then only for a few seconds. Do you know how dangerous such a lack of PT belts is?! Dozens of lieutenants and recruits go missing every year because of not enough PT belts around.

2) Not a single bikini snap. Seriously. Not a single one. What the F Mat! What the F!


