MovieChat Forums > Range 15 (2016) Discussion > Terrible music during opening credits

Terrible music during opening credits

I thought I would give this film a go, as William Shatner was in it. I watched it up until the opening credits, and thought, well, not brilliant, but I'll watch it for 10 minutes to see if it improves. However, the loud trashy opening credits music told me this film was going to be crap all the way. A question to the makers: Why oh why did you choose such terrible music?


Seriously? Thats your beef, the opening music? It was written specifically for the movie, if you listen closely you can hear a lot of references to what's about to happen. Like many low budget movies, they had to go with what they could afford, and original is always cheaper. I personally want to add it to my collection just so I can blast it at full volume wherever you go.


Go pound the sand
