So far so good

I watched the pilot episode earlier today and I think that Discovery Canada has a real hit. I'm a little concerned that imdb info says Jason Momoa is only in 2 episodes, which would be a shame. Declan Harp is far to interesting to be kept to a minimum.
Fingers crossed they keep the goods coming


I wouldn't trust IMDB cast listings but it's possible he could be killed off. I mean Jason Mamoa is a busy man so I wouldn't be that surprised.



It has been changed. It now lists Jason for the full 6 episodes. He's way to centric to the story not to be in every single one. I may even start a drinking game, take a shot every time someone says 'Declan Harp'. ;)


For me the problem of the serie, the main problem is the raw plot. With all the Canadian landscapes to be shown, with the opportunity to show us more about the Indian traditions, the fur trade history, the plot is reduced just to vengeance story. Is like a not well made GoT plot in the Canada early years, all betray all. We need to see more about some great characters as Lady Carruthers, the relationship between Grace & Declan, and please please kill Clenna´s character, is just a stone in the shoe.
