I tried...

Made it about 30-45 minutes in before realizing.. I just don't care. I don't care about astronaut Lucy or her astronaut lover. I don't care about Lucy having to readjust to normal life after being in space. Just replace 'space' with 'war', and you've seen the first half of this movie 100 times.

This story doesn't interest me at all. It's not hard to see why this film barely sold more tickets than a Lakers home game.

Why did this story need to be told? Even the true story it was based on isn't even interesting. It was a funny tabloid headline, but did anyone really follow the story further than that? It's one of those things you read and go "Huh... Well that's weird" and move on with your life.

Maybe it gets better. I doubt it. It was excruciatingly slow, the characters are just boring, and the aspect ratio changes are jarring.

What a terrible idea for a film with a 27 million dollar budget.


Well, my friend, I'm sorry to hear that. Just remember this one thing: some of us like to be jarred.

And I'll tell ya' this: Natalie Manport has redeemed herself in my eyes ten years after that overblown abomination that is Black Swan.


That's fair. I don't really get the Natalie Manport joke though.

She's clearly very pretty. Are you gay?

It's ok if you are.


She wears her makeup very well, I guess.

She gave a nice little performance in this, much better than the one in Black Swan. I remember watching that movie, the scene near the end where she's dragging Mila Kunis by the ankles, and thinking how it reminded me of when Bugs Bunny would get the upper hand on Elmer Fudd and drag his unconscious body away.


poorly made from what i can see - 15 minutes in.


It doesn't get much better.
