Sandy Passage!!!

Absolutely brilliant! Armisen,and Hadder had me rolling with laughter! I could watch them play those two old ladys bicker back and forth all day long. So well done. brilliant!!!


It was great! I loved it as well.



Being somewhat obsessed with both the 1975 doc. and the more recent movie of Grey Gardens, I loved this. They had the Bealls' down pat.




I loved it too. I love the bland documentary style, it's like 70s Masterpiece Theater meets $2.00 budget documentary.

The "come see where I learned how to dance" still has me laughing. So does the arguments on how the daughter "could have" gotten married -- they spoofed Grey Gardens well.

Don't bow down to critics who haven't themselves written great masterpieces.


Pitter patter pitter patter!


Damn this was so scary in the end.... 😱😱


I thought this was amazing. Armisen and especially Hader were incredible. Their performances were mesmerizing. Despite being guys in drag and playing spoofs of already bizarre real-life people, they were believable. The attention to detail in the filming was stunning. I couldn't believe how much this looked like the real 1975 "Grey Gardens."


"You got floor all in my Lima beans!" HAHA!! Very funny...


"I'm not feeding him!"

I think my percentage of Chimp DNA is higher than others. Cleaver Greene


I could watch the Sandy Passage broads every week. I'm sad that it's just a one shot. Comedy gold!


Absolutely! Everything about it is a riot! That's an epic sized gin and tonic! Lmao
