Few Questions... "Spoilers"

So, the movie ended without knowing...
Who hired Amuro to sabotage Nanami's marriage?
Was it really the husband's mother?
Did her husband really have an affair?
If Amuro acted like Nanami's friend, the why wouldn't he tell her the truth?
A lot of questions with no answers


This entire post is spoilers, so if you ain't seen the movie, read only if you don't care.

I'm going to go with a big far running throw on this one and say that the answer to all of the questions is "Amuro is a fraud." Nanami starts using his services, and he makes suggestions that cause her entire life to get flipped upside down and ruined. He offers to hire actors as wedding guests, despite how awful that would make her look. He dug up all the information he could about her parents, getting the worst facts he could dredge up.

Nanami "finds an earring" in her apartment, he makes the suggestion that it's an affair and plants that idea firmly in her head. Then he offers to investigate Tetsuya's infidelity and get proof. Immediately afterward, a mysterious man shows up to say that Tetsuya is having an affrair with his girlfriend, and that he's distraught. Then he calls her to an apartment in a hotel where there's cameras rigged everywhere by (you guessed it) Amuro. Amuro plants the suggestion to try and force her to sleep with the actor, the actor buys time until he can make the suggestion to take a shower. She does so because she's so naive, she doesn't know any better. Then when he shows up the actor is relieved he didn't have to do anything, and Amuro takes over continuing the long con.

So he extorts her for 300,000 Yen, and she agreed to pay this because she doesn't know what's going on, NOBODY knows what's going on except for Amuro the swindler. So he gets damning evidence and ruins everyone's lives, and now he's got Nanami in the perfect position to take advantage of her in every way that he wants. But wait, Nanami has a job, so he offers her a fast and easy 1 million Yen, which is more than enough to pay off her debt to him to disappear from her job and he'll pay her bill, absconding with her.

This is typical loan shark tactics in Japan, and the truly tragic thing is .. nobody ever thinks to go to the police, because they feel ashamed because that's what they have been reduced to. Japanese society doesn't treat shame the same as American society, so the idea of digging yourself into a hole from which you cannot escape makes it hard to reach out and seek help.

But wait, where am I getting this from? Well back to that. After he implodes her marriage and destroys her relationship with Tetsuya's mother, he comes up with some very convenient data on his tablet. He has pictures of the day that Tetsuya's mother visited her apartment when she and Tetsuya were not home, which means .. HE WAS ALREADY DOING IT. He was looking for evidence BEFORE there was a need to look for evidence. More than likely he made himself a "good fellow" to everyone around and got everyone to agree to his fee to investigate each other, and the only one who didn't have a job was Nanami herself, and she couldn't just be like "Tetsuya, can I get $3000 for this man to investigate if you're having an affair?" So he offered a payment plan that she had to keep quiet about.

Amuro is a con man, and he found the perfect mark in Nanami. AND THE PERSON THAT AMURO WAS WORKING FOR WAS MASHIRO. She paid $100,000 or 10,000,000 Yen for him to find her someone to die with her. Mashiro loved Nanami, so she couldn't bring herself to actually take Nanami's life.


