MovieChat Forums > Vanished (2017) Discussion > Christians are the 'good' people

Christians are the 'good' people

Another film about how everyone who isn't Christian is left behind on Earth because they aren't worthy of moving on. Really?
Being a good person is not defined by your religion and I can only imagine the uproar if a film showed Muslims or Jewish people being "saved" while everyone else must suffer by being left behind.


I'm not sure of your religion ,however from a Christian world view ,there is the rapture , based from the New Testament in Revelations ,which clearly defines what Jesus Christ spoke of and ,the apostle John had written about, which makes up the basis for the film. LOOK ,it's not at all about from our division of good or bad in humanity . The bible says we're all like "filthy rags" ,because of our sins , compared to the righteousness of God ,but that Jesus came to save those who would believe,and commit their lives to God through believing in Jesus Christ.By that faith act alone ,a person is saved ,and will live for eternity in heaven, not he'll. And even then ,it's not God's wishes for people to perish ,so that's why there will be tribulation, but even then ,a person can be saved. It's just going to be he'll on earth ,literally.... you make the choice ,no one else, my friend. God bless you. Evans


Not all Christians believe that there is a rapture as told about in this film. In fact the current belief in "the rapture" did not come about Until the 1830's in port Glasgow Scotland by Margaret MacDonald and was popularized by John Darby. Before this time the pre-tribulation rapture , in its current form, was non-existent. The scriptures used to justify the pre-tribulation rapture are not actually from the book of Revelation. Rather they are 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 1 Corinthians 15:20-23, and 1 Cor. 15:51-52. While these scriptures are used to justify the belief in the pre-tribulation rapture, great latitude is taken in interpretation as nowhere in the bible is anything like the pre-tribulation rapture actually mentioned. It is simply a new interpretation that became popular in the 1830's and stuck.


It is simply a new interpretation that became popular in the 1830's and stuck.


And to me from a biblical perspective "the Kingdom of Heaven is very near" but not in the way a lot of rapture believing Christians would believe. They are waiting for the wrong hour. Christ returns at the last and 7th trump and not a moment sooner.


You really believe this? You honestly, truly believe that everyone who doesn't believe Jesus died for 'our' sins will be condemned to an eternal Hell? Frankly, this line of thinking is disgusting. We all have to believe in some fairy tale, give a percentage of our earthly treasures to the ones running the scheme, and bring these schemers more sheep to the flock (so the schemers get even more treasure). If they truly used all this treasure to advance humanity, that'd be different, but they only use a small portion to help the needy as a token gesture.

Christianity & organised religion is a sickness. We should be kind and help one another because it is the right thing to do, not because we'll be condemned to hell for not doing so. and to make it even worse, they have designed a system that shames us for being human. The base ideas are things we should strive toward because it's for the good of the whole, but these ideas are used as weapons. We will never truly prosper as a species until we erase those systems we have created that divide us.

I believe is a universal power governing the movement of the universe and I'm okay calling that power God. But this power is indifferent to what you call it or the man made structures used in its name or spirit. We create the structure and it divides us and holds us back from out true potential. We live in a hell of our own making. We're supposed to accept that hell, to smile thru it, because we'll get everything we want & need in Heaven. Let's make Heaven on Earth instead of Hell. We can do this, but we need to get rid of structures designed to make a small percentage wealthy & secure in this life while the rest of us toil and struggle for their benefit. Organised religion is a cancer. Spirituality is your personal connection to the Universal Power and no one can act as your intermediary.


You really believe this? You honestly, truly believe that everyone who doesn't believe Jesus died for 'our' sins will be condemned to an eternal Hell?

Not sure if your post was directed at me or not. But to answer to your question, no, I don't think anyone will be condemned to to an "eternal" hell. And I'm not sure how you even read that into my post. And that's not what the bible preaches either. That along with the rapture is a tradition of man, nothing more. Just because I'm a Christian doesn't mean I hold certain "traditions" (that are not biblical, especially eternal hell and rapture) to be true.

Sorry if this post wasn't directed at me.


indialm, a good film for you to watch would be "The Rapture" with MiMi Rogers. It is a great film shown from the viewpoint of a woman who finds Christianity (is saved if you will) and then during the rapture rejects god because of some actions that god told her to do. Most Christians hate the film, but it brings up some very good questions about religion. Here is the link on IMDB


Yes, suffering does increase when more people reject Jesus. As America has become more secular in the Obama years, and since 2007, economic misery and violent crime have increased. And, California's drought shows no signs of stopping as the secular lawmakers in Sacramento keep making rules supporting abortion, sexual perversion and political persecution of Christian conservatives and evangelicals. Likewise, Muslim persecution of Christians has increased worldwide as American power has decreased under this president. Meanwhile, North Korea is threatening South Korea, Japan and the western coast of the United States.


Have you ever heard of "confirmation bias". You should check it out. Your line of thinking is almost entirely explained by it.


Odd, because Canada is much more secular than the US and we're doing just fine, maybe everything you've pointed to has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus. (The true stuff anyway)


well spiderman got super powers when bitten by a spider.

but i have to tell you : that is a lie, you wont get super poweres when bitten by a spider.

what i mean is : its a Movie.


Did it not say I the movie, you're not saved by works alone.
God wouldn't take people who didn't want to go.
