Where the hell is the omni-king?

When black killed all of those gods in the future, where the hell was the omni king?
Taking a nap?


He doesn't interfere, he just observes and lets life take it's course, however it may turn out.


He doesn't interfere my ass It's a plot hole


I believe it is because the omni King exists in all timelines as one being and only interferes with his favourite


Even the gods have to follow some rules made by the omni king
It's a huge mess at this moments, gods travelling in time and back, interfering and killing in different time dimensions, changing the course of things. And least and not least killing all the gods off. Unacceptable


So much for that plot hole huh...lmao...things will always be explained if patient ;)...I thought so myself, and then, bam, explained, and omni-king pops in (with the help of Goku of course lol)...There have been other things that ive questioned, but then in later episodes, and sometimes even within the episode im questioning itself, comes an answer - most of the time great ones...Patience is key...Great series that is hittin it out of the ball park imho :)


if you mean the littleguy that can kill you with nothing but a thought, he must have been their first target, he can destroy, but if you can attack him before he knows who wants him death, you can kill him, if you are powerful enough.


WHO the hell is "the omni king"?

Some English translation for some Kaio?

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language


You can ask the same question about any fictional Universe with a omnipotent God, like DC and Marvel.
Where was the Presence when the Anti-Monitor reduced the number of Universes from at least 1000 to 5?


I don't understand your answer.
There is no character called "Omni King" in the Dragon Ball franchise.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language


There is , Zeno ,the king of everything.


Oh, Zen-ô (全王), now I understand.

It's easy to get confuse with the name you guys gave.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language


Also, where was he when Kid Buu was killing the Supreme Kais? This is why I said he's just an observer. He only stepped in during the tournament because the Gods of Destruction were not doing their jobs.


yeah but I dont't think them dying fits their job description does it?
And I like I said before they have broken a lot of rules as of late


Maybe Zeno's power is so great that even characters as powerful as Zamasu and Goku go by completely unnoticed (similar to how the Z Fighters don't really notice the humans of the world). So unless Zeno is actually "looking" at a specific part of a specific universe, he doesn't even notice anything. Something tells me though that Goku is going to "summon" Zeno to defeat Black Zamasu as a last resort.


Something tells me though that Goku is going to "summon" Zeno to defeat Black Zamasu as a last resort.

I agree, it seems the most likely option and the only one left for Goku at this point.

07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.


he diddnt really kill the gods he killed the kis which killed the gods lol but to answer your question the omni king dosent care about what happens this stuff is beneath him he just waits to see it finish an then decides


He appeared and he kicked major ass.

07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.


Right! Quite easily lmao...Friggin destroyed that whole universe pretty much lmao...Dude was just floating around when Goku went back to get him to bring him back to his own universe lol...lil guys got more power than everyone in the DB, DBZ, & DB Super combined lmfao


what he dstroyed ws the contaminated region which was not yet the universe as a whole.
