Opinion of the movie

Ok, so I just got back from seeing this film, and before I get into it, I'll tell you for those who don't know, this is a sequel. The first two movies are called "Una Película de Huevos" and "Una Película de Huevos y un Pollo", those titles translate to "A Movie about Eggs" and "A Movie about Eggs and a Chicken". These predecesors were in 2D and released in the U.S market as straight-to-video movies, so not many know about these two movies, and because of this, those who are not familiar with the other two may get a bit confused. But now that the third one finally gets released in theaters in the U.S (In here, Mexico, they were always released to theaters) it's a pretty big thing for the creators of this movie. Does it hold up?

What I really liked about the movie was that, like the other films, there are many funny jokes, though not every single one works. Some are very forced and pretty awkward. I also liked how the animators could make the characters look very much like they looked in the previous films (As I stated, the first two were in 2D, this one isn't), but at the same time, I was worried, because the quality of many CGI films made in Mexico (just look at Wicked Flying Monkeys and/or Selección Canina) is bad for the most part. But the creators wanted to make the best Mexican 3D-animated movie we've done, and went all the way to buying Autodesk Maya, SoftImage, and more. Some of the fight scenes and flying look at bit weird though, but for the most part, the animation was good, and that's saying a lot, as the budget this movie has is $5.3 million dollars.
The pacing is good, but sometimes the movie did slow down because it focused on things that were not needed, like a very short song by Ninel Conde, and a rap (I was cringing at the beggining of it, but at the end I really liked the lyrics, they are really good). The romantic interest is just there to make Toto just have a romantic interest, nothing else.
I was honestly expecting more scenes with the villians. I much prefer the villians in the first movies because they were at least funny, these ones are not so much.
I need to rewatch the first two to see which place this one had.

Overall, I did like it. 7/10 stars. But I'm very confused as why this got a PG-13 in the U.S. It's probably the humor, but I found this movie to be appropiate for every age, getting Mexican humor aside.


My wife and I both really liked it. Neither of us are what I would call fully fluent in spanish but she can hold a conversation for the most part. I only know a little spanish but enough to understand the double entendres. We knew nothing about it giing in and it was Surprisingly very funny
