why not?

When Emily asked Ian where the other Howard was now, his reply was "That's your first question?"

And why not, exactly?

Seemed to me like it was a perfectly reasonable inquiry.


She didn't ask what happened to Pope, which would have been more professional. Also Ian was obviously jealous of their relationship.

But yes, it could have been scripted a little better.


But I mean even if she doesn't care about Howard romantically, she might still care about him being held indefinitely in some tiny windowless cell without trial, just as a decent human being. That would not sit well with me if I knew.


The scripting was fine, and obviously intended. She has come to care more for kind-hearted Howard than she does for Ian, who is the same kind of prig that heard-hearted Howard is. That’s the type she used to go for, until she felt what being with a man who is good, kind and caring feels like. This tenth episode made it clear to me that Counterpart is going to pay a lot of attention to character transformation, and to pragmatic alliances.


It's interesting that, in the second season, we see that Badass Howard, in his interaction with "our" Emily, is capable of being kind and caring, too.
