Racists will hate it.

System is designed in a way that there's only white superheros in comics and books so only white people are starred. Good that hollywood is breaking the system and giving poc a chance to earn few bucks too



Why is it the absolute worst posters always show up for the comic book related stuff?


System is designed in a way that there's only white superheros in comics and books so only white people are starred.

Only in white countries. You go to China, heroes in movies and comics are chinese. Bollywood? Heroes are Indian. Nigerian cinema? Heroes are black. And guess what? zero diversity.

So where's the problem?


So where's the problem?

The problem is that America isn't a "white" country.

Once again kuku fails to comprehend the obvious.


The problem is that America isn't a "white" country.

Thank you for pointing out that.

So Subsaharian Africa is black, Saudi Arabia is Arabic, China is Chinese, and so on and so for... but North-America and Europe are and must be diverse and shared by everybody and then some.

That sounds like self-sabotaging to me.


LOL @ you tossing Europe into a response about America, the land of the immigrants.

Extremely dishonest.

I also like how you proclaim there is zero diversity in those other places. No need for you to have any evidence or to prove your point, nope. You can just claim whatever the fuck is convenient for your bullshit racist crap.


Point well made Frog. The thing is racism/white supremacy is all all about dishonesty/deception so it's not like these transparent Alt Reich creeps don't know they're full of sh*t when attempting to justify their racist angst.


America IS a White country, seeing as how 65% of the population is White.

America just so happens to be more generous with diversity, but that doesn’t make it a non-white country.
Don’t forget who made this country what it currently is, who made the rules currently followed by its citizens (legal citizens at least).

Oh, and movies like Bad Boys, Blade, and Black Panther prove your statement wrong that “the system is rigged in favor of white people” or whatever BS you said. As stated by another reply, America is mostly white, so don’t be surprised to see White people more often than others races, just like you shouldn't be surprised to see more Black people in African countries, or more Arab people in the middle-east, or more Asian people in China/Korea/Japan.
It doesn’t matter how diverse America might be, it’s still a White country. If you don’t like that, then maybe you’re the one with racist tendencies...



Heroes in China are Chinese. Well, heroes in America are also Americans. Black, white, who cares, they are all Americans.


That would be true except the blacks in America don't want to be Americans, they want to be African-Americans... so if they want to exclude themselves from being American then let them. The fact is their have been black comic book characters, Spawn, Storm, Gravedigger.... and on and on. But the reality is the number of blacks that go to movies around the world is much lower than the number of non-blacks and the studios know that so they tend to cater to what the audiences want to see. Black Panther was successful simply because it was pushed down the audiences throats as some must see movie by the marketers. If you actually watch it and ignore the fact that you've been told by everyone from the pope to the garbage man that your gonna love it and it is a great movie you are most likely not going to think it was really that great of a movie. It was if you are being honest an average superhero movie... It wasn't horrible but it wasn't great either which is probably why you'll see a huge drop in the box office for the sequel as people will have rewatched it by then and realized that they really don't need to see a sequel.


You live in this strange fantasy land where the almighty land mass is the only thing that influences your cultural identity.

Reality doesn't agree.


What are you talking about? Please elaborate.


Only people freaked out by spiders would hate it.:-)


So if it sucks because it's not a good movie, then everyone who doesn't like it should be branded a racist, according to your logic.
Nice worldview you've got going. Make friends easy? I'm betting not.


Both Marvel and DC have tried VERY hard over the years to give non-white/non-male/non-straight characters a chance to shine.

John Stewart as Green Lantern?
James Rhodes as Iron Man?
Miss America?
Sam Wilson as Captain America?
Riri Williams as Iron ...Man?
Amadeaus Cho as the Hulk?
the ENTIRE Milestone line of comics.

And you know what happens time after time when they do this? For the most part, the audiences they are gearing these books to just don't show up to buy the books. Comics are a business. If the audience doesn't show up, they should keep publishing as a charity?

So don't bitch and whine about the "system" being broken, blame the audience. The companies constantly try. Their one big success so far is the Black Panther movie. But the Black Panther comics? Never been a huge seller. Even Miles Morales (who I love) is never ever ever going to be anywhere near as popular as Peter Parker.


This is a good point.A company can't just make a black superhero for equality's sake.It's a business.Like any business first and foremost their about making money.If there isn't a big enough core audience for a product why sell it.That's not racist it's just good business.That's not to say black superheroes never work.I loved Blade.A hell of a lot more than i did Black panther.


Hell, I loved John Stewart as Green Lantern and was okay with Hal being gone. I bought Steel and bought many others if the character appealed to me.

A great example of this pandering is Iceman. They revealed he was gay and I was not offended or anything. He was always in my top 5 (probably top 3) x-men and this didn’t change that. When they put out his series I of course bought it. But that series (and now this new one) became about his search for a meaningful relationship. That lost me. Not because it was a gay relationship but because I buy superhero comics to read about superheroes not relationship drama. If Spider-Man spent this much time going on about his love life (which IS a factor in his stories) he’d never have been as popular as he is. And shocker, iceman got cancelled quickly and relaunched again. And it will be cancelled again...because it’s pandering to an audience that isn’t there.

On the other hand, there’s Ms Marvel. A character who has everything going against it and yet succeeds on every front because it tells the story of a hero who happens to be a Muslim teen girl and not the story of a Muslim girl who happens to have superpowers


It's what they do best.



It's not about breaking the system. Back then it was heavily majority white or a mostly white nation. As time went on, they opened their doors to immigration and refugees and the demographics started changing. Then these minorities started demanding they be included once they got in (like with anything you let in) for more inclusiveness and diversity and now you have what we have today and some people just can't adjust to that fact is all. In time they will either die off, eventually accept it, or have to accept it once they find one of their family member is dating another race.

Funny thing is you won't see much of this an issue in the far East since they don't allow such things to get that drastic. Like that instance where everyone here in the west was raving about Crazy Rich Asians but in China, meh, normality sort of speak. Pretty much anything a minority does it's always a 'first' then you hear it plastered on the news.


Nice way to defend the institutional racism but native americans have always been there. Why don't we see any superhero of their race, huh? Don't act like America has never been racist.


Nice way to defend the institutional racism but native americans has always been there.

Wrong, this is a myth perpetuated by ignorant LIEberals: No AmerIndian is actually "NATIVE American" (like the Australoids). Their ancestors emigrated from Asia via Beringia several thousand years ago. They are no more "native" than white settlers or blacks; their forebears were just here longer (that is, in North and South America).


The emigranted over from Asia killed the true natives of the land then proceded to violently murder and enslave each other for thousands and thousands of years until we came and put a stop to it and the world was and is better off for it


Ask them if they feel they are better off with Europeans coming over (immigrating) and slaughtering them.
