Total Trash!!!

They should have called this "Last Sand at Freedom Burger" This was a poorly written film with of course the typical big breasted blonde who was actually a better Marine than the actual Marines.Think "Under Siege" with the female commando who popped out of the birthday cake. I don't even know where to begin. Everything is bad about this film, the plot, the acting, the script and the story.I'm kind of surprised that Dennis Haysbert accepted a role in this. The only good actor in the whole film which he was more of a cameo appearance than anything else.


Another "Anti-Hillary" campaign ad. 13 Hours is the same. Both total garbage propaganda


Well, I'm not totally for Hillary but when I see what else in running I have to think that she is the lessor of all evils and really the only candidate with any foreign Affairs experience. I think the highlight og the film and what really set it into concrete trash was the standoff at the Freedom Burger shop.


You really are a retard to suggest that Hillary is the lesser of all evils...especially after the Benghazi incident. Both you and the goon who posted above should be charged with treason.


Yeah, Yeah. Which are you, a Trump or Sanders fan? Neither one of them has a clue and sounds like you don't either.Hillary in a landslide!!!


I feel really sorry for the US if we elect another Wall Street/Military-industrial complex paid shill like Hillary.


Absolutely! She is such a non-event. People are just taken with the fact that she is female, just as they were with Obama being black. At least Trump isn't a puppet.


No he's right... It is incredibly dangerous and naïve to actually think Hillary has the best foreign experience? I cannot believe someone would even think that after Benghazi...

Not to mention the list of 30 people that have been directly connected to the clintons and have "committed suicide"

The fact that you would vote for her just because you don't like Trump is exactly why this country is falling apart? I hope you feel special


You do realize the Benghazi incident is just as much the fault if Republicans for the State Department budget cuts THEY put in to place that was a major part of the reason for poor security, right? As an independent I can see where both sides screwed up, and Republicans are as much to blame if not more for their handli6of the budget.


Really not surprised the trailer looks awful.

Sad for Scott Adkins i really like this guy but is recent movie roles are terrible.


I thought Dennis Haysbert just an insurance agent.



Free for 5 days. Who are you kidding.


