No Ice?!?

I understand England is a cold damp climate and ice cold drinks might not be fitting but coming from the states I can't imagine a rum and coke being very good without ice.


I don't know if it's a socioeconomic thing (like freezers to make ice in were too expensive for the average household) but somehow they never acquired a taste for iced drinks over there.

And yes, it's gross. A room temperature rum and coke sounds like drinking the leftover dregs from last night's party.



Rum and coke is disgusting anyways. Its a gross tasting and less effective version of Red Bull and Vodka. If you're going to mix a stimulant with alcohol might as well go to Red Bull instead of just coca cola.


You wanna try something really delicious? Try dark or spiced rum with sprite and a dash of bitters.


Already said it Red Bull tastes disgusting. Why ruin good rum with it?


Whats wrong with ordering something better than a well drink


Taste? Everyone has a different one


I hate room temperature drinks! I have to make drinks up ahead of time and keep them in the fridge for hours. Ice makers are so expensive, or I would definitely get one!


I'm sure people would have a freezer. I know the Brits have small fridges ( that trend is changing) but when I was there most households had a chest freezer and made ice in ice block trays. No need for a machine. I do the same here in Oz although we do go for large fridge/freezers due to our climate.



The Brits have small fridges! I am British and really found that comment funny. I personally hate my drink being annihilated by loads of ice, everything in moderation. Choices :)


All of the characters in this series were financially well-off, and certainly had refrigerators with freezers. Not putting ice in the drinks was a matter of choice.
