MovieChat Forums > Mercy Street (2016) Discussion > so.. the south was sympathetic to Blacks

so.. the south was sympathetic to Blacks

Not the North?
In my 50 + years on the planet I always thought it was the other way around are they rewriting history here.


Not all Northerners were abolitionists. I know in New York most were against freeing the slaves.

I think the creators trying to make it palatable to people, especially Virginians, where it was filmed.


The southern whites still hate black folk


Speaking for Millions of people now?


I think what you are forgetting is that the greatest consensus in the South as a whole was Not opposed to enslaving blacks.

There wasn't quite the united view of the majority in the north to perpetuate slavery, which is why the North ended slavery in the New England States much earlier than the South. And the North sure didn't try to succeed from the union either as soon as a president who was for anti-slavery expansion was elected.

The South also quickly instituted Jim Crow laws to keep the freed blacks in line, and to punish them when they stepped out of line, unlike the North. Which is why a lot of blacks in the North were surprised at how bad their kinsmen down south had it.

Emmett Till had no ideal how bad it was and that he was supposed to keep his head down when he stepped down South. And he was only one of many.

The South did all these things. That has been one of the problems nowadays, the South doesn't want to own up to its history and instead, films and movies are made which try to make the South appear noble


What a load of garbage.

The people living in the south don't want to be punished for the crimes of the past. I've never owned slaves, never thought it should be allowed, mever supported Jim Crow laws. Heaven forbid people want to be judged for their own actions. I have nothing to own up to, as I had no part in any of that.

And guess what anyone born after 1948, didn't have anything to do with any of that either since they weren't able to vote until after 1965 when Jim Crow laws were overruled.

I don't know anyone who isn't aware of Jim Crow laws or slavery or Brown V the Board of Education, or Martin Luther King Jr, or Rosa Parks, or who says racism and any of those things never existed. But I'm sure as hell not going to apologize for that past either.

I'm only 4th generation American born on one side and poor white all the way back to the revolution on the other. We were farm workers, not slave owners.

News flash, not all people in the south are or even were racists. Many were, even now some are, but I find most people who make statements like yours and who assume they know what people in the south are like and how they think, just enjoy the sense of moral superiority it gives them instead of having any real knowledge or experience in the matter. That or it's what they saw on TV or read on the internet so it must be true.

You can spare me your anecdotes by the way because I promise you for every 'true' story you have to prove your point I have one that proves it wrong.

No one was ever right trying to claim that any certain group of people is all one way or another.


As someone born in the 50's, I remember the South being real racist. I'm sure you're not, though. It still exists in the South.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


As well as in the North, and the Pacific Northwest...and who the hell links to the Huffington Post??? Pa Leez, you might as well quote or link to Fox.

"...You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."-Harlan Ellison


s-s-fergie, 👍👌

"...You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."-Harlan Ellison


Not all Southerners were Black-Hating KKK members and not all Northerners were Heroic Abolitionists.


samhmd-7489 is correct. There were Southern people tarred and feathered by their neighbors for being abolitionists, and there were Northern men who lynched free blacks to protest the draft. Life is seldom as cut-and-dried as we would like it to be.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


I think what you are forgetting is that the greatest consensus in the South as a whole was Not opposed to inslaving blacks.

There wasn't quite the united view of the majority in the north to perpetuate slavery, which is why the North ended slavery in the New England States much earlier than the South. And the North sure didn't try to succeed from the union either as soon as a president who was for anti-slavery expansion was elected.

The South also quickly instituted Jim Crow laws to keep the freed blacks in line, and to punish them when they stepped out of line, unlike the North. Which is why a lot of blacks in the North were surprised at how bad their kinsmen down south had it.

Emmett Till had no ideal how bad it was and that he was supposed to keep his head down when he stepped down South. And he was only one of many.

The South did all these things. That has been one of the problems nowadays, the South doesn't want to own up to its history and instead, films and movies are made which try to make the South appear noble


That doesn't mean every last Southerner was for Slavery. Nor does it mean every last Northerner was against Slavery. We can look back now and make absolute judgements, but people themselves are not like that. They are not some Collective Mind.

As for why the North chose not to secede from the Union...well, most of the Unions' power was up in the North anyways.


I agree with you AND samhmd_7489. IMO Northerners just love to deny. If the sky were a gorgeous blue they'd say naw, it's not, it's green. At least those in the South can own up to the mistakes of their ANCESTORS.

"...You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."-Harlan Ellison


I think what you are forgetting is that the greatest consensus in the South as a whole was Not opposed to inslaving blacks.

There wasn't quite the united view of the majority in the north to perpetuate slavery, which is why the North ended slavery in the New England States much earlier than the South. And the North sure didn't try to succeed from the union either as soon as a president who was for anti-slavery expansion was elected.

The South also quickly instituted Jim Crow laws to keep the freed blacks in line, and to punish them when they stepped out of line, unlike the North. Which is why a lot of blacks in the North were surprised at how bad their kinsmen down south had it.

Emmett Till had no ideal how bad it was and that he was supposed to keep his head down when he stepped down South. And he was only one of many.

The South did all these things. That has been one of the problems nowadays, the South doesn't want to own up to its history and instead, films and movies are made which try to make the South appear noble

This why the South gets most of the blame


What people are forgetting is that the greatest consensus in the South as a whole was Not opposed to enslaving blacks.

There wasn't quite the united view of the majority in the north to perpetuate slavery, which is why the North ended slavery in the New England States much earlier than the South. And the North sure didn't try to succeed from the union either as soon as a president who was for anti-slavery expansion was elected.

The South also quickly instituted Jim Crow laws to keep the freed blacks in line, and to punish them when they stepped out of line, unlike the North. Which is why a lot of blacks in the North were surprised at how bad their kinsmen down south had it.

Emmett Till had no ideal how bad it was and that he was supposed to keep his head down when he stepped down South. And he was only one of many.

The South did all these things. That has been one of the problems nowadays, the South doesn't want to own up to its history and instead, films and movies are made which try to make the South appear noble


Did you really have to copy and paste the exact same thing 4 times?


Yep. TO make sure the message reached all your friends who agreed with you. They needed a little "eye opener" call too


The North was opposed to slavery but did not necessarily *like* blacks.

The big political battles between the North and South leading up to the Civil War was over the expansion of slavery to the new states being created in the midwest and west. The North was firmly opposed to the expansion of slavery, partly out of a sense of morality, but also largely because they wanted to keep those new states for the *white* man and did not want the black population to spread to those states.

Abolitionists were quite unpopular throughout much of the North and partially blamed for causing the war itself. The North fought the war, first and foremost, to preserve the Union, not to end slavery. Ending slavery was a byproduct of the war and it was done to ensure that the South could never use slavery as a divisive point against the North.

The North was still very racist (especially by modern day standards) and the white population as a whole preferred to have nothing to do with blacks. The black population in the North was also quite small and most white Northerners had little exposure to blacks.

I suspect what the producers of the show are trying to show is that the reality was never strictly a case of South = bad and North = good when it came to treatment of African Americans. The South was bad but had a complicated relationship towards its black population, the North was still distant and suspicious and contemptuous of African Americans.


That's the problem. The North might have been prejudice against the blacks, but they never perpetulated the out right barbarity toward them like the South.

Strange how it was the south who rushed to enact the BLack codes immediately after the civil war. And started putting curfew laws on blacks.

They even resisted removing their discriminatory practices up until the civil rights era. Funny how it took take a supreme court decision and orders from presidents to force them to bend.

Say what you want about the North but the South can't get out of that one.

I'm saying all this as a person who's been born and raised in the South. Things are very Frosty here, especially in the deep country areas


That's the problem. The North might have been prejudice against the blacks, but they never perpetulated the out right barbarity toward them like the South.

That's the thing...not every single Southerner was like that. People aren't quite as binary as you say they are.


That's exactly what I said. I never lumped Every Southerner in that camp. Goodness, there were those who lost their lives standing for what was right. There were those who disagreed but they were in the minority compared to the silent majority of the South who went along uncomplaining

Understand that when I talk about the South, I am not talking about individuals. I'm talking about the corporate whole


Understand that when I talk about the South, I am not talking about individuals. I'm talking about the corporate whole

This show is merely saying that about individual Southerners, like Mr Green. They weren't all Black-Hating Maniacs.


Ok. I get what you're saying. But by some of the comments here, others are thinking on a slightly different plane


Let's be really clear here. The whole idea of demonizing the 1860's South as being solely to blame for slavery is absolute rubbish. Yes, it was horrible. Most of the modern day population agrees on that, regardless of where they live in the country. BUT in that time period it's not as if everyone outside of the South was all-inclusive and pro-minority. Let's remember that slavery wasn't completely abolished from the UK until 1833. The North outlawed slavery over a quarter of a decade into the early 1800s. The South was literally dependant on slave labor, which was a huge motivator in keeping things status quo.

None of that makes slavery in the 1860's "okay" or acceptable, but you do have to keep the big picture in mind. The South didn't invent slavery. They also weren't the end of slavery (it's still out there in other places). Not everyone in the South beat and raped slaves. Not all owned slaves. Some who did were absolutely horrible human beings. Others were just normal people of the time. We really have to stop judging people of the past by our own current moral understanding.


I'm tired of arguing with short-sighted people like you!

This video will debunk everything you just said:


But the thing is, the South not only enacted harsher laws toward black folks which stripped them of any little rights they had gained, but they maintained those same laws up until barely 50 years ago (just a couple of years before I was born, so it wasn't even that long ago, history-wise.) And hell, yeah, there ain't a damn thing wrong with judging people from that time by today's standards, because there's enough evidence to show that even back then, some white folks thought slavery was wrong as hell and even spoke out against it, and took part in the underground railroad---but let's be real about this, they were in the minority. The point is, those hateful racist attitudes from that time have never gone away---they're just been handed down from generation to generation and are still around today---look no further than what happened at Charlottesville last month. Those stupid white supremacists are trying to protest these statues that were basically put up to honor a bunch of damn traitors who wanted to tear this country apart because they wanted to maintain slavery,plain and simple---don't try and let them off the damn hook,which is what you're doing. And they're using that issue to spread their fckg hate simply because these stupid MFs can't deal with the fact that white people aren't on a damn pedestal any more. It's also a backlash to the fact that this country finally had its first black president---which exploded the BS white supremacist myth that only white men are fit to lead this country. That's what these white racist pieces of s*** can't handle, and they want to try and claim that they're fckg superior simply because they're white again, which they know deep down is some lame,stupid-a** bullshit, but it makes them feel like they're on top again, even if it's only temporary.


Mr. Green may have been a benevolent master and not a, "Black-Hating Maniac." However, he still OWNED [Black] slaves, which is wrong period. No matter how you slice it, man cannot own man.


Actually, I don't think the Greens had any Slaves. They were all paid workers.


The North might have been prejudice[sic] against the blacks, but they never perpetulated[sic] the out right[sic] barbarity toward them like the South.

Your study of history seems to have omitted the New York Draft Riots:


Doesn't even equal to the ("look down and don't talk back to a white man, don't even look at a white woman, don't drink out of all white fountains, don't go to the same schools, having a police system of patrols whose chief duty was to hunt down escaped runaways,regular whippings, auction blocks etc") rules enacted against slaves and free blacks during a 100 years of jim crow in the South.

So yes, while the North was prejudice too, they did give blacks more chances than the totally barbaric and deranged South. Lol Watch:



Oh, my, David. You've tried too hard to disway the masses. Who hurt you so as a child?

"...You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."-Harlan Ellison


Guess you didn't watch the video...well, your bad, not mine.


They can read, friend.

If they're following this thread, they saw you the first time.


Even if your copy/paste message wasn't utter garbage, posting it over and over again isn't opening any eyes. All it is really doing is making it so that you get ignored. No one cares how enlightened you think you are, especially if you are going to be a douche about it.


He's a troll, samhmd-7489. Plain & simple. He spews the same over and over without validation. His agenda is to rile, nothing more.

"...You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."-Harlan Ellison


You can say that again!

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


Ah! Herr Captaine! The wind has left thy sails, is it not?!


Not a bit.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


Think so
