My Experience...

I can relate to this girl's experience. I was a little sister at a fraternity. They had a party, and one of the frat boys I had just met came to my dorm to pick me up as his date for the night. End of the evening he wanted me to stay the night in his room as many of other girls were doing with their dates. I had no interest in this and asked him to take me home. He refused and, after none of the other boys would help me, either, I ended up walking home way across campus around midnight. I'm sure I was drunk, too, so feel VERY lucky to have made it out of the frat house and back home unscathed. Had another incident where my roommate and I went out with a couple of football players. I won't get into the whole ordeal, but will just say that night ended badly for us, as well, because we wouldn't put out. As I'm writing this, I've thought of a couple other times where I could've easily been hurt, or worse. By the way, this was early '80s before cell phones.
