MovieChat Forums > Chi-Raq (2016) Discussion > Spike Lee, a Brooklyn resident knows 0 a...

Spike Lee, a Brooklyn resident knows 0 about Chiraq culture.

Wtf this is nothing like the *beep* thats been going on in Chiraq

Them boys dont give a *beep* about women... Spike Lee must didn't even take the time to atleast start with the BASICS of Chiraq. Chief Keef, Reesey, Fredo, Rondo, Durk, so many savages who popularized the Chiraq term and its gang culture.. Them savages dont give a *beep* about feminism. What the *beep* is he trying to do?

A hoe try to trifle with a savage in chiraq spewing all that "this body is a temple, put down the guns or no pussy baby" she'll get her ass beat or worse. To somehow say women control the situation in Chiraq is *beep* retarded. No they don't, the chiraq gang culture is *beep* SAVAGERY.

Like honestly, this is what hollywood does. they spend a day in the only nice part of chicago, say "okay dis savage wow" and make a *beep* movie about it. No research is actually going into what the culture is even remotely about. *beep* Spike Lee.

Chicago takes a loss for letting an NY dude come in and make a movie about their violent culture.


Spike knows NOTHING about everything, with the exceptions of how to waste time, money and an effort. Of those three things he is an expert.


Bless your heart,,,

This is not a documentary or even a dramatization about Chicago. It's an adaptation of a Greek tragedy that he set in modern times. Some could say that it has nothing to do with Chicago while having everything to do with it. The fact is at this current time the murder capital recides in that great city, but in reality this adaptation could be set in any city at any given time, Detroit in the 80's, Baltimore in th 90's ,,, etc. etc.


Isn't the murder capital Baltimore?


yes, but new orleans and houston are a close second.


The movie is confronting this important issue through SATIRE.
Like how Dr. Strangelove approached the insanity of possible world destruction through satire as well.

Plus, what does being a resident have to do with telling a story? I can promise you that J.J. Abrams doesn't need to be from "A Galaxy Far, Far Away" to tell Star Wars. Scorsese doesn't need to be from Boston to make 'The Departed'. Kurosawa didn't need to be a samurai to make 'Seven Samurai', etc etc.


There. It's on the Internet. Thus it's official


problem being that SATIRE is most likely the thing that spike is particularily worse at. he has many flaws, but satire is really his achille's heel. remember bamboozled? what a mess.


depends on which stat you look at. a week before thanksgiving Baltimore hit a record high for the city @ 300 murders. but even then the reporter said that it was second to St.Louis. But I read somewhere that Chicago was at 400+ murders already.

I love !


Depends on how you calculate the figures.

If you include all cities in the US, per capita, Chicago doesn't crack the top 50 for most violent cities. Places like East St. Louis, Pine Bluffs, Camden etc take up those top spots. They just don't get included in headlines because relatively few people even know these towns exist. So the figures quoted wind up arbitrarily limiting themselves to cities over a certain size.

Though Baltimore and Detroit do still crack the top 50 even with small cities included.


Isn't the murder capital Baltimore?

No, it's currently St. Louis.

Although other sources of information rank East St. Louis higher, St. Louis is consistently ranked higher than Baltimore in murders.

"This year I'm voting Republican. The Democrats left a bad taste in my mouth."
-Monica Lewinsky


Number one, number 50, who cares... I live in Chi-raq. If the United States was given an enema, they'd stick the tube smack in the s**thole that was formerly known as Chicago. Mayor Ramrod and his bitch in the White House can eat it.


what does the fact that it could have been done " any city city at any given time" have to do with whether LEE knows anything about Chi-raq culture?


So why set it in this backdrop, if not a lazy way to garner controversy?

Strikes me as intellectually bankrupt on every possible level.

For f_ck's sake, he even filmed it in Wicker Park, one of Chicago's biggest hipster enclaves. Lee couldn't even be bothered to film in the neighborhoods whose serious problem he co-opted for cheap self promotion.

F_ck Spike Lee with an ancient-Greek wooden dildo.


Ooh, did you break out 'bless your heart?' Dying over here.



Even though it's a contemporary adaptation of a Greek tragedy there can be no confusion about whether or not Spike Lee intended to use Chicago, and it's current issues, for his venue. If not he could have filmed Ny-Raq, or De-Raq instead.

Retelling a classic in a contemporary adaptation isn't new. However when using a venue for the apparently, based on the comments in this thread, it's not an accurate portrayal of Chicago or it's residents. I can understand why there is such a strong expression of unhappiness with the portrayal of Chicago.



This flick was made independently by Spike---it's not even a Hollywood production at all---do the research,please. And you don't have to be from Chicago to know everything about it---been there a couple of times myself--it's not like it's some strange otherworldly place no one knows anything about.


Also tired of mofos pretending like you have to be from Chicago to do a movie or any art about Chicago. Negroes please. That's ignorant. And besides, that city is less than six degrees of separation for most American-born black folks. Everybody and their Mama got relatives all up in there. Danm. 2/3 of the state of Mississippi alone is there on any given day visiting family (or hoing tp a funeral) as they
have their whole lives. Be real.


Also tired of people pretending like you have to be from Chicago to do a movie or any art about Chicago. Negroes please. That's ignorant. And besides, that city is less than six degrees of separation for most American-born black folks. Everybody and their mama got relatives up in there. 2/3 of the state of Mississippi alone is there on any given day visiting family (or going to a funeral or wedding or graduation or reunion or something) as they have their whole lives. Be real.


It's ok dear the movie, like the english language, are not meant for you.


Is that Brisco County Jr. in you Avatar? If so,NIIIIIIIIIICE. Have you been watching Ash vs Evil dead? Awesome show. Seems to discount Army of Darkness though.


Aristophanes knew even less about it. But he knew something about swaggery young males driven to warfare as part of the accepted culture. That never changes.


That's like saying George Lucas is a resident of Earth. He knows nothing of outerspace. Or Ridley Scott is a resident of the 20th Century. He knows nothing of the 12th century.

Saying that I'm not defending Spike Lee. I want to be made clear of that.


no. this film is a take on a situation that is happening right now.

was there any chance that lucas would portray the jedi situation wrongly? no, because it doesn't exist.

you can not know if scott portrayed the 12th century wrong, because the video footage from that era is ... non existant.


That's like saying George Lucas is a resident of Earth. He knows nothing of outerspace. Or Ridley Scott is a resident of the 20th Century. He knows nothing of the 12th century.

What a broken analogy right there..


We all know Chiraq culture. A bunch of animals acting like animals.


Was Coppola in the Mob? Did Speilberg meet aliens? Did Kubrick serve in Vietnam or stay in a haunted house? Was Hitchcock a murderer? A director does not have to be from a place or a part of a certain group to be able to make a film. Just like an actor pretends to be someone else, a good director studies and learns about the subject of his film before making it.

For reasons unknown....I resume....


"a good director studies and learns about the subject of his film before making it"

let me see. coppola, spielberg, kubrick, hitchcock. all good directors.
spike lee? .... let me put this politely .... NOT.

so in a way you agree with the OP.


True, but if he was...

Was speaking in general. Spike overdoing things will ruin this film more than him not being from Chicago.

For reasons unknown....I resume....


How do we quantify racism? Cabrini Green was torn down. That didn't work.
I guess that Chi-Raq is an entertaining piece of art with absolutely no solution.
Spike addresses the problem, but does not deliver a way to fix it.
Yeah, get Cuzak as Flager...a Chicago white guy who has no experience
in the real world of Chicago racism from a black person's perspective.
It all seems so forced.
Spike is great at making the race point, but has never presented
a solution.
I think Spike's work is important, but he has staked his films upon
the problem...that is valid. But Spike, please tell us how to fix it.


"How do we quantify racism? Cabrini Green was torn down. That didn't work.
I guess that Chi-Raq is an entertaining piece of art with absolutely no solution.
Spike addresses the problem, but does not deliver a way to fix it.
Yeah, get Cuzak as Flager...a Chicago white guy who has no experience
in the real world of Chicago racism from a black person's perspective.
It all seems so forced.
Spike is great at making the race point, but has never presented
a solution.
I think Spike's work is important, but he has staked his films upon
the problem...that is valid. But Spike, please tell us how to fix it." -
gpspro » Thu Dec 3 2015 07:33:04

It can't be fixed, because the root cause to the problem is a lack of personal responsibility and accountability within many of these types of communities.

The individual must first take stock within themselves. How often do you hear people accept 100% blame for something in which they caused? How often do they accept partial fault, but quickly find reasons to equally blame? Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are loathed because they always tend to cast blame for the ills of Black America onto the backs of Whites. When people like Ben Carson and Hermain Cain states that it is up to Black to pull up their bootstraps and make the change within themselves to create a better life and opportunities, they are tarred and feathered and accused of being "Uncle Toms". There is too money, power, and political influences by creating and maintaining the Chiraqs of America. "Chiraq" helps keep outsiders in power, and provides them with a way to feed their families, send their children to the best schools, and provide a somewhat secured lifestyle.

And no, it's not Spike Lee.

Once you change the mindset of the adults, you then can begin to work from the ground up. The biggest impact adults can have on a child's psychology is during the ages of newborn to around 9 years of age. From there to about 19-20 years of age, is nothing more than a period of reinforcement of those ideas and experiences.

We as a Black community must feed their brains with the good, and reinforce it with the good. Too many times we as Black adults are feeding their minds with falsehoods and contradictions, then reinforcing it with falsehoods and contradictions, which only produces Black adults both male and female who will then do the same to their offsprings. And it becomes nothing more than a flawed repeated cycle.

Since it's the holiday season, the social gatherings are starting to pick up, and I have made my rounds to a few. Most have been very informal with an expectation of one which was semi formal. All have been African American based, and the number of people I've had the chance to bring up the subject of the movie "Chiraq" the responses are almost too similar. Many accuse Spike Lee of not knowing what he is talking about, and dislike the movie and it's premise, have not seen the movie.

I will be attending a Christmas function on 12/19/2015. The movie "Chiraq" will have been playing in the theaters for 15 days. If I can, as I've done so far, I'll work the movie into conversations; and from there I'll see if any opinions are based on seeing the movie, vs. what they believe is in it or what they heard through other parties.


Spike Lee could have offered a view in the film that the way to curb violence is through education, self-reliance, personal accountability, concern for community, and fear of God.

But no, its the threat of no sex. Yup, no more poon tang will stop the murders.


"Spike Lee could have offered a view in the film that the way to curb violence is through education, self-reliance, personal accountability, concern for community, and fear of God.

But no, its the threat of no sex. Yup, no more poon tang will stop the murders. - NoRevisionism » Mon Dec 7 2015 14:21:15

Education that is taught in schools to include college do anything but produce educated fools. Whenever a Black person tells Black people they need to take responsibility of their lives and their homes, they accuse that person of being a sellout to their race.

Why would any politician tell Black people what they need to hear, when telling them what they want to here may get them in office?

All those many Black churches damn near on every street corner, do they teach so-called God's words? Nope, because if more than 12% of the Bible was ever covered, those pastors would be out of a job, or even worse, those members will run to another church which does.

Within the movie, very important lessons were addressed, but far too many Blacks are talking out of their a**es even when they have not seen the movie.

Why take personal responsibility when it's easier to put the blame on others? The Black community will never stop it's downward slide until these 5 things are removed from the minds of the individual:

(1) Pseudo racial injustice advocacy
(2) Pseudo feminist ideology
(3) Appeasement
(4) Entitlement mentality
(5) Lack of Personal responsibility and accountability


It can't be fixed, because the root cause to the problem is a lack of personal responsibility and accountability within many of these types of communities.

The individual must first take stock within themselves. How often do you hear people accept 100% blame for something in which they caused? How often do they accept partial fault, but quickly find reasons to equally blame? Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are loathed because they always tend to cast blame for the ills of Black America onto the backs of Whites. When people like Ben Carson and Hermain Cain states that it is up to Black to pull up their bootstraps and make the change within themselves to create a better life and opportunities, they are tarred and feathered and accused of being "Uncle Toms". There is too money, power, and political influences by creating and maintaining the Chiraqs of America. "Chiraq" helps keep outsiders in power, and provides them with a way to feed their families, send their children to the best schools, and provide a somewhat secured lifestyle.

I'm trying to figure out how taking personal responsibility is going to magically create jobs, fix the educational system, etc in these communities. Please explain.

And your repeating BS racist rhetoric about successful black people being called sell outs and coons by those lesser off just because they "made it'... which ins't true at all...there are PLENTY of successful black people that arn't in sports or the entertainment industry that arn't accused of being "coons". Ben Carson, Herman Caine, Clarnece Thomas and the like are called "coons" and/or "sellouts" because of their ACTIONS not because they talk proper and are successful... talk about "personal responsibility" Herman Caine can't even keep his sexual issues to himself. Same with Clarence Thomas and then when he was about to lose his nomination to the supreme court he pulled the race card to cover his ass.. real shining examples of personal responsibility.

Loove The Bottle like Tyson loves Cus D'Amatoooo"


"I'm trying to figure out how taking personal responsibility is going to magically create jobs, fix the educational system, etc in these communities. Please explain.

And your repeating BS racist rhetoric about successful black people being called sell outs and coons by those lesser off just because they "made it'... which ins't true at all...there are PLENTY of successful black people that arn't in sports or the entertainment industry that arn't accused of being "coons". Ben Carson, Herman Caine, Clarnece Thomas and the like are called "coons" and/or "sellouts" because of their ACTIONS not because they talk proper and are successful... talk about "personal responsibility" Herman Caine can't even keep his sexual issues to himself. Same with Clarence Thomas and then when he was about to lose his nomination to the supreme court he pulled the race card to cover his ass.. real shining examples of personal responsibility." - coleburnz07 » Tue Dec 29 2015 23:04:02

Fixing the educational system starts at home. The product the parent or parent(s) sent to school is the make it or break it of that school building. It's not the government's job to create a disciplined child, that is the job of the parent. The government does not put Black men and Black women in a breeding room and force them to have sexual intercourse like one will do in a force dog breeding mill. Bad parents produce bad children, than those bad children head off into the government school system than conduct terroristic acts. Then it's people like yourself who believe that the government must then pour good water (funding) into a bucket full of holes? Sorry, but that's not good business, and if you slow to realize, the government is a business.

Your statement concerning Herman Cain, Ben Carson, and Clarence Thomas alone shows the disconnect between analytical thinking and ignorant thought processing. Hate to be the bearer of something more than a 10 second sound bite, but Cain's first accuser, Sharon Bialek was later discovered to be a serial sexual harassment accuser. Not only was she awarded an out of court settlement from Herman Cain and associates, she also field charges a few years later while an employee with ABC News, and an accounting firm, which is why he claims of "not being able to find employment" not too far fetch.....No one wants to take the chance and hire her.

And finally, personal responsibility and accountability does put one in a better position to accomplish goals and aspirations. The job market is tough enough, why give Human Resources to not even look at your resume or even for a first interview. Can't pass a urinalysis test, because one can not stop smoking weed long enough for their system to clear out? Arrest history to include convictions? Did not graduate from high school or have a GED instead of a diploma? Multiple children which causes one to not be able to take on a schedule required by an employer? Bad work history? Lack of understanding on how to approach a job interview? Ghetto names which breaks all the rules of simple English phonics? And yes when a person looks at an application or resume and that person's first name is "Zashanetta Washington", you have blacklisted yourself. The job is to give your child an edge, not reduce their chances.

All of those, plus so many more will kill one's chances to move ahead in life, but I sense you are one of the many ignorant Blacks who feel that the world needs to revolve around your universe?

Sorry, the real world does not move to the beat of YOUR drum. You don't like it, then eat *beep* move the hell out of the way of the man or woman trying to get ahead in life, then die.



We all know the "race card" but we never talk about the "liberal card," which I keep finding anywhere a right-winger can appear. Whenever I read about a social problem, it's not long before Barack Obama's name appears to assume the blame, which is purely tactically considering how un-comprehensive Obama is about race.

But we've heard the "go get a job" schtick before. Did anybody count on it working? Does anyone believe you can say, "Get a job," and the response is, "Yes, sir. I'll do it right now." If the mother can't, how can Herman Cain. Does this schtick address the lack of education/resources/job opportunities, the high rent, or the entrenched, cyclic impoverished mindset? Nope.

The nation needs economic redevelopment. Education, industry, government & law enforcement need to meet the needs of it's communities with their input to combat poverty, and break cycles. Who's selling that? Nobody, least of all Herman Cain, Allen West, Alan Keyes, Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, and certainly not Ben Carson who can't upgrade anybody's mindset especially when we get to his theories about the pyramids.

P.S.: While it's unfair to paint a black Republican an "uncle tom," do realize they're called that because they've cast their lot in with a group with openly racist factions. The same is said of gay Republicans. I'm an independent personally who has never met a decent group of people that I'd cancel a single personal principle to join... least of all the Democratic or Republican Parties.


But we've heard the "go get a job" schtick before. Did anybody count on it working? Does anyone believe you can say, "Get a job," and the response is, "Yes, sir. I'll do it right now." If the mother can't, how can Herman Cain. Does this schtick address the lack of education/resources/job opportunities, the high rent, or the entrenched, cyclic impoverished mindset? Nope.

The nation needs economic redevelopment. Education, industry, government & law enforcement need to meet the needs of it's communities with their input to combat poverty, and break cycles. Who's selling that? Nobody, least of all Herman Cain, Allen West, Alan Keyes, Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, and certainly not Ben Carson who can't upgrade anybody's mindset especially when we get to his theories about the pyramids.

P.S.: While it's unfair to paint a black Republican an "uncle tom," do realize they're called that because they've cast their lot in with a group with openly racist factions. The same is said of gay Republicans. I'm an independent personally who has never met a decent group of people that I'd cancel a single personal principle to join... least of all the Democratic or Republican Parties. - teriekwilliams-46153 » Mon Jan 25 2016 07:36:05

The Blueprint of the Failings of the Black Community, posted for all the world to see with their own two eyes.

(1) Pseudo racial injustice advocacy
(2) Pseudo feminist ideology
(3) Appeasement
(4) Entitlement mentality
(5) Lack of Personal responsibility and accountability

And please believe, all 5 were covered with the reply you left behind as an echo of what? I seriously doubt you could read it and explain.

My last two statements and they are:

(1) "Uncle Tom", as they call it, was a sellout to the White hands who took his life. In the novel, "Uncle Tom's Cabin " a.k.a. "Life Among the Lowly", the character was killed because he refused to tell the slaver owner workers which direction two escaped female slaves traveled in. Let's try that again, he died trying to protect the lives of two Black woman.

But as we all know, Blacks don't want to read beyond what their White daddies and mommies have told them to read, so due to Black ignorance, they allowed Disney and Hollywood to take the qualities of a strong Black character, change him into a fetching and sketching icon, then make that caricature apart of the "Black Put-Down". And if they did it once, they could do it again, given enough time. Next you know, we'll be walking about calling someone a "Martin Luther King", as a why of putting someone down.

(2) Ben Carson's opinion concerning the possible use of pyramids as a storage of grain is no more far fetched as people believing in the words written in the collection of texts sacred in Judaism, Christianity, Islamic, or any other religion. All are a belief in which none can be proven.

And to be intellectually honest, pyramids used as grain storage is not a new topic, because it is one of the many hypothesis how they were built, and why they were built.

But once again, that would mean Black reading outside of what their White daddy, and mommy had told them to read and believe.


The inherent problem with your rhetoric is telling here.

- You take them to discuss how a term got mangled into it's current usage. We're not doing a book review. If I'm talking about the Nazi use of the swastika, spare me the history lesson on it's Neolithic Eurasia origins. It only goes to your sense of arrogance and superiority, which makes your message even less appealing. You just sound like a smart ass. We both know what people mean when they use the term "Uncle Tom." Do notice I put it in parenthesis because the term is distorted in 1,000 ways. And that whole thing was just as sidebar as Ben Carson.

- Repeating yourself doesn't your ideas any more convincing. Telling a criminal to "stop breaking the law and increase your chances for success" is a waste of time 99% of the time because you've addressed none of what's at heart of this person or what's behind his behavior. Thus you have little to no chance to inspire change in it.

- If "racial injustice" is pseudo, why must Zashanetta's name adhere to English phonics? Why would the name given to her by someone else hurt her if this society isn't racially unjust? Would Helen Washington be better? Since this is a reality for her, and she should avoid this at all costs to assimilate into a racially unjust culture, you obviously have no problem with appeasing that culture, and listening to the "white mommy and daddy" who run it.

- Saying black people as a group are "entitled" looking for "appeasement," and tying their failure to a generalized view of feminism, and "pseudo racial injustice" is again why your ideas won't work. It's simplistic and doesn't resonate anyone except those with biases against those general terms from the start. Find a new tactic. This one's not working. My tactic may not convince you, but at this point, who needs you?

P.S.: If your reply is going to say the same thing over again like your last was, don't reply. Those thoughts were crap the first 1,000 times I've heard them.



Once you change the mindset of the adults, you then can begin to work from the ground up. The biggest impact adults can have on a child's psychology is during the ages of newborn to around 9 years of age. From there to about 19-20 years of age, is nothing more than a period of reinforcement of those ideas and experiences.

That is so true---I agree 100% with that. However, I could care less about anything Ben Carson says because he's not qualified to take office any more than trump's ignorant loudmouth a** is. I don't look to any Republicans or Democrats to be the savior of us from anything at all. The problems of black communities run far deeper than just not taking personal responsibility for things---a look at history will tell you that. I go to community meeting on the regular where the resident (mostly black) are very concerned about their neighborhoods, and their kids, and aren't sitting around waiting for anybody to do anything for them or for some magical solution to fall from the sky. Even when black folks are getting themselves together, they still have to deal with all these ever-present stereotypes that get slapped upon merely because they're black---so it dosen't even matter how together some of us are, we still experience racism regardless. And then again, black communities who do work on their problems hardly get any credit for it,anyway.

Also, too many of these posters are throwing way too much responsibility upon Lee's shoulders for dealing with this subject---even he can't provide the ultimate solution to the problem just because he made a movie about it. He's simply examining it and putting it out there for discussion.


"That is so true---I agree 100% with that. However, I could care less about anything Ben Carson says because he's not qualified to take office any more than trump's ignorant loudmouth a** is. I don't look to any Republicans or Democrats to be the savior of us from anything at all. The problems of black communities run far deeper than just not taking personal responsibility for things---a look at history will tell you that. I go to community meeting on the regular where the resident (mostly black) are very concerned about their neighborhoods, and their kids, and aren't sitting around waiting for anybody to do anything for them or for some magical solution to fall from the sky. Even when black folks are getting themselves together, they still have to deal with all these ever-present stereotypes that get slapped upon merely because they're black---so it dosen't even matter how together some of us are, we still experience racism regardless. And then again, black communities who do work on their problems hardly get any credit for it,anyway.

Also, too many of these posters are throwing way too much responsibility upon Lee's shoulders for dealing with this subject---even he can't provide the ultimate solution to the problem just because he made a movie about it. He's simply examining it and putting it out there for discussion. - activista » Thu Feb 4 2016 18:50:29

WTF?! Only within the convoluted air pockets with your would you understand what you just posted? It is safe to assume that reading with the intent of understanding is not or strong point? Did you lose a brain or two, or three, because what I posted went longer than 10 second sound bite and required a little bit of focus?

Please understand on thing, no person in their right mind should want to run for political office, because it's a job where actually doing your job can and will cause you to lose your job. A job where fixing a problem will help people on this side of the aisle happy, but now the people on the other side of the aisle will be upset. If one was able to find a perfect balance, both sides will be happy, but a new group of people will come out of the woodwork and demand equality for their cause and concerns.

Dr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump performed jobs of absolute, and in these jobs you are judged on your results. Carson was a pediatric neurosurgeon, and his job was to repair or at a minimum reduce the effect of neurological ailments in children and teens. He holds the title amongst his peer as being "one of the world's foremost pediatric neurosurgeons", and that is not something you earn by *beep* by the use of lip service.

The same holds true with Donald Trump, he earned his way up the ladder by buying and selling property. The name of the game is, "Buy low, sell high", money talks and *beep* walks. You tilt the table to benefit you and your back pockets even when the competition has the weight to tilt it against you.

Absolute results; no if's, no and's, no buts.

And in your eyes, what qualifications should one as proof that they may have what it takes to hold office?

I look at history and see that the grit and drive that was once the fire in the core of Blackness has been lost. And generation after generation, the adults throw water on that ingrained fire that burns in babies heart and mind, because the adults have been brainwashed to become passive zombies of to the people they believe are superior of them. Unlike you, I have done something I know you have not completed yet, and that is attempting to raise a child from birth to adulthood within the Black community. For what a proud Black man says can be done and should be done, far too many within the Black community says it can't or should not be done. And what they don't say, they show it by their actions, and those actions show once you begin to break everything down, then begin to attempt to connect dots, dot the "I's", cross the "T's", and build not only the foundation, but the structure itself.

*beep* the community, because the community is only as strong as the individual. And from their strong individuals build strong families and households. But far too many Black individual don't respect themselves, so their homes are nothing but a cocoon of disrespect, which then spills off into the community. The Black man's and Black woman's worst enemy is that person who looks back at them every time they look in the mirror. The evil is not the shadow behind them, it's the mind and the will of that object that bears their name which casts that shadow.

You show me a Black community which has it together, and I'll pull back the curtains and show you all the White supporter who where the circus trainers of the three ring show. So who really deserves the credit?

Lastly, here is a little food for thought.

Barack Hussain Obama, the first Black President of the United States.

- Born to a White mother and a Black father, but Black father jetted off and continued his life elsewhere. (Let's remember Obama Sr. did the same to his other children)

- White Mother raised Barack in a White household on the island of Hawaii. (Mother, grandmother, and grandfather were all White)

- White mother marries an Indonesian man, then moves to Indonesia, where Barak lives for several years of his youth.

- White mother returns to Hawaii for Barack, now 8 years old, to be raised by his White grandparents.

- Barack is raised in a White household from the age of 8 till 18, attends a school on the island of Hawaii which has a student body which is 95% White.

- After graduation Barack heads to the Continental United States and continues to live a life outside of Black America. The only time he has anything to do with Black America is to (1) find a Black wife who could help him show that he has an attachment to his "Blackness" (remember he dated White women before he dated Michelle), and to use them to advance the advocacy agency he worked for, the law firm that employed him, and later his state and federal political aspirations.

Let that simmer in your brain for a little bit, before you comment back on the subject.
