Ahhh! Gross!

I was just catching some repeats on demand, and saw the ep where Chip eats the bug - OMG gross! He is crazy, lol! Joanna's reaction was hilarious!

You're cruisin' for a beatin', Wheaton!


Try SERE. If you think thats nasty.

Although I can't see myself eating raw roaches.


What is SERE? I tried looking it up but it has random non nasty definitions.

I think for me the Roach would be the worst.



I like when Chip had his arm around Joanna and she said "I feel like I've just been slimed"


I like when Chip had his arm around Joanna and she said "I feel like I've just been slimed"
Are you talking about when his sweaty armpit soaked her shoulder? That cracked me up. When she pulled away from him, you could clearly see that the shoulder of her shirt was "slimed" - her reaction was really funny. I like that she has a good sense of humor about those things and laughs at the silliness of it all.


Then he says "Be honest. Do I have something in my teeth?"

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie
