MovieChat Forums > Fixer Upper (2013) Discussion > People are nice on this show

People are nice on this show

One of the reasons why I love this show so much is that the clients are very nice and easy to work with, as opposed to many other shows on HGTV:

- House Hunters
- Property Brothers
- Buying and Selling
- Love It or List It

No one is snarky or rude to the Gaines's, unlike the attitude towards the realtors or contractors on those other shows. The clients are genuinely appreciative of the work. It's quite refreshing.


Yay, first poster, lol!

I agree totally. This show has a nice easy vibe to it, with none of the snark and rudeness of the other shows. It is a breath of fresh air. Chip and Joanna have a great rapport. I also like her aesthetic much more than The Property Brothers. I don't love everything she does, but it seems much more livable, and she tends to keep some of the charm of the houses intact, which is nice.

You're cruisin' for a beatin', Wheaton!


I agree. I feel like, for the most part, this show isn't contrived or fake. I hope hgtv keeps it this way and doesn't start throwing in unnecessary drama. The only thing I think is scripted on this show is that something always goes wrong and they have to call the owner.


At least when problems are found they don't usually cosT a small fortune as on "Love it or list It". Also, they allow the homeowners to make decisions, unlike Hillary.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


I agree, too. It does make it easier to watch, knowing no one is going to be nasty.


Agreeable. The clients on this show are the same as on the DIY show "West End Salvage:" people who are happy & excited to work with professionals to help make their home beautiful.

No screaming, fighting, snarky drama needed to make a show interesting.

What kills me the most is the fake drama on Love It or List It, where the couples spend the entire episode berating the hosts, until the last 3 minutes when they are all smiles and hugs.


Some of the people on househunters I wouldn't want as neighbors, they complain about everything and want the world handed to them on a platter, and refuse to compromise on anything and whine if they don't get it, I hate wood floors, I hate tile floors, I hate carpet, I hate this light fixture, we'll need to put in a pool, this wallpaper has to go, this room is small, too small, etc etc etc. I'm done with househunters. I like this show much better and Joanna has a very good eye for mixing traditional and contemporary. Sometimes the property brothers go a little bit nuts on loud fabrics or bright colors, I guess to help get the homeowners through Toronto winters.


I agree, OP and I hope this show does well and lasts! Joanna and Chip are a cute, fun loving couple and the show is drama free. Refreshing like you said! Chip is hilarious, another thing missing from the other shows is humor! I like them very much.

I hope they read the forums here, and see their growing fan base.

Go Joanna and Chip!

Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.00



I love this show for all of the reasons you and others here have mentioned. They are down to earth, sweet, funny, not drama-filled, and the home-buyers are nice too. We need more like this one.
