MovieChat Forums > Stranger Things (2016) Discussion > Anybody else have an issue with Nancy ch...

Anybody else have an issue with Nancy cheating on Steve?

They never specified that they were broken up and not even 3 days after her talk with Steve, she goes and cheats on the guy. His character completely changed after the last season and is very likeable now and instead, Nancy and Jonathan take his place as my least favourite characters other than Max's brother of course.


I thought that they broke up and that was reiterated in the shower scene with Steve, Billy and Tommy. Tommy makes the comment that Nancy and Jonathan have taken off not one day after Steve and Nancy broke up. I guess I figured that was the point of that scene was to let us know that they are considered broken up by everyone at school.


She should have been with the weirdo in the first place. He doesn't use Farah Fawcett hairspray. That makes him the better man by several thousand country miles (and by telling the little fat kid to use the same hairspray, he ruined the fat kid's chance of dancing with a girl his own age; yes, I know, he got a sympathy dance from an older girl, but that's not the same as scoring a dance on your own).
