How scary is this?

I really want to watch this show, but I have some heart problems and I get way too scared at "jumpy" stuff and end up feeling really ill. This has the "horror" label so I thought I should ask before starting. Does this have a lot of scares? Like supernatural stuff appearing suddenly, out of the blue (which is the type of stuff that really gets to me)? Thank you so much to anyone who answers, I keep earing this is really good but I don't want to mess with my stupid heart.

And on some small level, I think you owe me something for deceiving me so exquisitely.


not that i recall. i tend to find jump scares obnoxious so i would probably remember.



It's about as scary as X-Files ever was at its creepiest.


Thank you (both). It's funny cause I had to mute a considerable part of some X-files episodes to get through them (sound is the worst part!) but I'm binge watching this right now and I don't find it so bad!

And on some small level, I think you owe me something for deceiving me so exquisitely.


There are a few (maybe 2 or 3) creepy bits but I don't think you;ll be sleeping with the lights on, although I'm so desensitised I rarely scare watching movies. Just things like shark attack videos and I just watched one after one came up on fb and now freaking out😭


The last episode is definitely considerably creepier than the other ones, but nothing too scary still.



At least not IMO.

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene


No much scary and no surprises really.

My pee tastes like toast


I did not not get scared at all.
