MovieChat Forums > Mulan (2020) Discussion > Three things about this film

Three things about this film

Apparently the production budget is not $300 Million as first unofficially communicated. $150 Million is listed but it is probably reasonably close to $200 Million given the location shootings.

The Run-Time is listed at 1hr 55min which is enough time for both the story to breathe and for character time, which I think is important.

The coronavirus will indeed suppress the box office for this and other films. Disney will be taking a bath on this investment along with the hit on their theme parks.


I was hoping for a runtime somewhere between 1 hour 55 minutes and 2 hours 10 minutes. I really didn't want something 90 minutes, especially with something that has that epic war film feel to it. 1 hour 55 minutes seems like the minimum for a war film. But I think that would be 1 hour 45-48 minutes without end credits. But that's still decent. Doesn't mean it'll feel long, but it won't feel rushed either if it was 85-95 minutes without end credits, although 2 hours 10 minutes doesn't feel long to me. I hope that runtime is official though. I actually saw 1 hour 37 minutes (with end credits) posted on a few sites. Might be placeholders.


Disappointment in a movie sometimes boils down to our own unmet expectations. That could apply to a whole host of things that pass through our lives. 🤔

I too want the run-time that is viable to exhibitors and meets the 'expectations' of audiences. The PG13 to me was a given as the animated version even for all the funny moments was quite intense and well done for a PG film. There was killing galore even though it was off screen, along with the implied slaughter of children or a least a child.

Will Mulan 2020 be an epic war story? I dont really think so as it revolves so much around a single character inspiring an army as opposed to epic battle scenes.

I would love to be wrong but wont be disappointed if the epic war/battles dont happen.


The production budget is likely around $300M. Production budgets never shrink, unless you're Steven Spielberg (and not even him, even though he's extremely good at keeping budget and schedule under control).

Giving the current situation, it's obvious the movie is going to be a flop. Flops give bad press, so the logical reaction in Disney is to do some 'accounting magic' to decrease the official budget.


Gong Li would not know the budget! CNN reported $200m several days ago.

The release is almost 5 weeks off. Most of the world does not have the epidemic China has.


The release is almost 5 weeks off. Most of the world does not have the epidemic China has.
Disney on Thursday took its action-adventure movie “Mulan” off the August release calendar, officially ending any hopes that Americans will return to movie theaters en masse this summer.

The company said the film, which was most recently set for release Aug. 21, was now “unset,” with no new date.
If China is being transparent (and honest) they have done much to contain the spread.

Disney banked big on Mulan and China and the political and medical winds are making Disney's financial gamble a lose-lose.

As entertainment Mulan was probably going to be top-notch. That aspect of the product will be drowned out by everything else from this point forward. Entertainment in the age of the Pandemic and even Post-Pandemic will not be kind or even fair.


Thats just stupid. Stadiums in all the world are reopening to the pubblic but for some reason (political reasons?) theatres cant


[–] Crocodile (20) 2 hours ago
Thats just stupid. Stadiums in all the world are reopening to the pubblic but for some reason (political reasons?) theatres cant
It is not a political reason but a liability reason that enclosed theaters are concerned about re-opening. Indoor roof enclosed stadiums and more so smaller venues like enclosed theaters pose a greater risk of spreading the virus.

Drive-Ins are better suited at this point.


The virus is dead


[–] Crocodile (21) a few seconds ago
The virus is dead
...and Tupac and Elvis are alive!!
