My reaction was mixed

I saw an industry preview screening. It was well-attended, which tends to suggest a positive reaction. And there was warm applause at the end. Reviews are positive.

I haven't read the book and saw the movie cold, having no idea what to expect. The opening scene is grotesque and prolonged, and it sets the tone of what follows. Part of my reaction here was simple revulsion, but I gritted my teeth and figured there was a reason for what we were seeing. (I imagine that a less-restrained audience might start shrieking or shouting at the screen.)

The story was an interesting juxtaposition of past against present, interpreted through the lens of fiction. At that level, it was good. But I didn't really like the characters enough to be deeply invested in their fates. I think that may have been part of the point; that the Amy Adams character in particular isn't worthy. I don't mean that in a simple comic super-hero kind of way; I just mean she plays the sort of person I avoid in real life. Maybe others will find her more sympathetic.

So, bottom line for me was the film was interesting but cold.

I'm saying very little about the plot here to avoid spoilers.


Funnily enough I was reading a review yesterday where something was said about how the characters aren't very likable but this was perhaps intentional. I think it was Empire magazine.



So, bottom line for me was the film was interesting but cold.

Yep, agree.
