The colour green

Any suggestions what the colour green symbolised? Envy doesn't seem to fit.

(The same green was used for Ray (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)'s boots, for the car that appears behind Edward, and Susan's dress at the end).




I don't know as green is most often associated with life and spring and money and such but I did find this::

"There is a superstition that sewing with green thread on the eve of a fashion show brings bad luck to the design house."

Maybe it's a designer thing.


I don't know about the other instances, but the green associated with Amy's character can be seen as ambition or greed (it ties in with money).


To me it showed that she really was her mother. Needed the monetary wealth that she wasn't positive Edward could give her. The car behind Edward (which was also Tony's) is what enevitably caused Tony to lose his wife and daughter, and money is how Edward lost Susan. I didn't notice the boots....but perhaps bc Ray doesn't care about money (he knows he's going to die) he can walk all over it sort of deal? Idk that part might be a stretch lol


Green typically indicates nature, and safety but go dark green and money and ambition are indicated. Yellow green is sickness, cowardice, discord and jealousy.
