The ending...[Spoilers]

I liked this film. Had a definite 28 Days Later vibe. However, the ending puzzles me:

How does Justineau (Gemma Arterton) survive in the airlocked laboratory? She can't go out, at least until the spores go away, (whenever that might be) and even then she would probably be bitten by one of the hungry children or an adult "hungry". Is there a never ending supply of food and water inside? Is the girl going to bring her dead animals to eat and somehow get it inside without contamination.

Any ideas? Maybe the novel has some clues.


I don't think Melanie thought this through. Justineau is probably just playing along to keep herself occupied until she runs out of food.


Yeah, Justineau is in a tight situation.
I sure would like to see how it works out for her.


Most likely they bring her canned food and water. The room she’s in at the end is surely able to decontaminate/vacuum the air. So she enters the cabin, the girl puts the food in, closes the door. The teacher activates the decon opens and collects. Simple. And she’s not stuck there, remember they got the engine working. She can leave when she wants.


This is what kinda screwed the movie for me. Before that was pretty good, but the ending was just bad in terms of writing and forethought. With those spores justineau will never be able to leave, and she will only survive until she runs out of food and water. With the spores going airborne they likely infected the water too so be pretty screwed there.

I know someone posted an extra chapter the author of the book did which tied it up a bit better.

Strictly moviewise, feels like nobody thought it through.
