MovieChat Forums > Impastor (2015) Discussion > Well I think it's hilarious.

Well I think it's hilarious.

Of course I'm a catholic, and not a very good one.

-Ah, here it is. "Breach Hull - All Die." Even had it underlined.


Me too. It's hysterical.


I'm Catholic too, and so far I'm enjoying the show. Personally, I don't think it's really that offensive to Christians (so far). They've poked fun at certain things about the faith but nothing has really gone that far.


Another Catholic here who also finds the show funny.


I'm Catholic as well and am pleasantly surprised with how much I like this show.


So funny! This show has been a pleasant surprise. I DVR'ed it, because I always loved Michael Rosenbaum on Smallville. He does not disappoint in his own show. He has great comedic timing.


And he's smokin hot!


Exactly. I have been watching the careers of my favorite Smallville Actors and I'm so glad Michael has a chance to be his funny self on this show.

I'm non-denominational so I don't have any barriers or hangups to being able to enjoy Impastor, I think it's a great concept and so far has not disappointed. I'm looking forward to seeing how it grows.



I wish Tom Welling was doing more acting or even appearances. It would be amazing if he guest starred on Impastor.


It's too funny to be on TV Land because a lot of people won't watch the channel. Put it on a channel that will show and say everything TV Land can't.



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I'm a lapsed Catholic and I think it's hilarious. And I don't know who Michael whosis is, but he is great in the part! The cute assistant with the glasses is also hilarious.


It's well written, has a great cast of characters, and funny. I'm loving it. Hope they bring it back.

Twitter - Allowing you to publicly put your foot in your mouth since 2006.


I enjoy the hell out of it.. It's funny, it has Sara Rue and it shows how ridiculous Catholics and Christians are. It has everything a good Pastafarian could want.. Less child molestation than you see from Catholics in real life so far though.. but i'm sure its coming!

P.S. yeah.. cheap shot.. but when you murder millions and rape children i think it's ok to take a shot now and then:) But i do like the show!


As a Catholic and former altar boy I can tell you that stuff never happened in my church.

-Ah, here it is. "Breach Hull - All Die." Even had it underlined.


There are tens of thousands of churches (oragnized crime families not paying taxes and hiding criminals) so saying that it didn't happen in your church doesn't mean it didn't happen..


I know, but it does bother me slightly that this blanket statement can be made about being catholic when it was never an issue in my church. Which leads me to think good priests far outweigh bad ones.


Exactly. If it was happening to any significant extent the Church would crumble right down to the foundation. Going by the local news outlets I would say local school teachers and administrators being accused of abuse out leads any priest by at least 25 to 1. It's been a year since there were any church rumblings and that was about something that took place in the 1970's. I've been a faithful Catholic the last 12 plus years and judging from what I see at Mass a pedophile would be extremely disappointed if he chose the Church to ply his activities. Far easier to be a gym teacher, sports coach, or some advanced educational discipline which would mean catching kids after school.


But saying it doesn’t happen in one’s own church, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen; you just may be unaware of it. People often hide these things and don’t want to come forward for embarassment; or they come forward as an adult; also the church may deal with such accusations privately. Conversely, just because it does happen in churches all over the world, doesn’t mean it happens in ALL churches. Now let’s all hold hands and sing.😁

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