Lots of Potential

Anyone else feel this show would be comedy gold if they allowed buddy to settle down and focused more of the show on trying to be an unqualified pastor rather than focusing so much on keeping his identity hidden and the people out to get him?


That's what i expected to show to be about, rather than increasingly preposterous plots where people end up dead around him. I was in fact expecting more something like http://www3.alternet.org/story/18775/from_blockbuster_to_banned (which is what the set+up reminded me of, unfortunately the I haven't seen the film, still on my "to do" list.) Or like the book The Guide by R. Narayan, telling of a man released from prison, an ex-tourist guide, who is mistaken for a holy man - which tells more of people's need to believe in something than his awesome acting ability, he doesn't try to pretend, or at first even want to acknowledge he is in any way holy. I was looking forward to Buddy sermonising about his experiences in gambling or barfights and mangling bible stories, plus the general culture clash between uptight middle class flock and street smart Buddy.

Oh well, back to watching old Goodness Gracious me clips: https://youtu.be/eo22Kje6BgQ

34: I will not turn into a snake. It never helps.
