MovieChat Forums > Impastor (2015) Discussion > Make this type of show about a Muslim Ay...

Make this type of show about a Muslim Ayatollah or a Rabbi?

How come all this type of crap is always about Christians? Why not make the same show about a guy who took over as a Rabbi or a Muslim Cleric??


Because it is always more fun to rile up the Christians.


because so few Christians would call for a boycott, it would not matter.
Jews, on the other hand, would have an army of politically correct liberals on their side.
And TV networks are scared witless of Muslims.
Christians, therefore, are the easy target. The low-hanging fruit.

Don't hate on contrarians


If you so much as suggest Jews can be hypocrites, the ADL will have you making a public apology before lunch.



Maybe because a comedy show that deals in religious themes would have to be seen by people of that religion to really appreciate the humor.

Have a show about the Jewish religion and comment on it, and only those of that faith would truly get it. The same goes for Muslim, what does the majority of the population of this country know about these religions? Not much I am afraid.

Quit ya moanin


As far as Muslims, have you folks never heard of the program LITTLE MOSQUE ON THE PRAIRIE?


It's too sensitive to touch other faiths. Whatever the perceived majority is, can take the big knocks.


I honestly don't understand all of the complaints here. If you don't like the show, you don't have to watch it. I can't stand watching Ballers or The Brink on HBO, so I just stopped. I haven't seen episode 2 yet of this, but if it's a bad show then I won't watch this either.

There's a million TV shows to watch, yet everyone's so mad about this one. It's just weird. Turn the channel.


There is always one person stating, then don't watch it and change the channel. That ideology does nothing to relieve
the mockery targeted against Christians.

I am certain that the producers know that Christians are sheeple.

"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


I don't see why it would be a problem to do a Rabbi since Jews are generally the most self-deprecating of all peoples. Just look at last night's Daily Show (or the night before, I forget) where Chuck Schumer and Jon Stewart presided over a set of clips where Stewart was making fun of his Jewish heritage.

Plus, a Rabbi has a lot more leeway in being a holy person, so that wouldn't be as funny. And there really aren't towns that are just a (non-hasidic) Jewish town that centers around a temple like there are for Christians.


Shuls have teaching/activity programs and become the center for their communities.

"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


But again, I fail to see how this show is offensive to Christians. But then again, most "offended" people are either the extreme PC types or the dullard Christian types. You generally don't have open-minded people being offended by much of anything.

Plus, I think the whole point of the show is to have this guy gradually redeem himself and become more and more like the pastor he's trying to portray. He's already mentioned how caring and thoughtful the people of this small town are and there's a scripture-quoting girl in the cast who is seen in a very positive light in direct contrast to the scripture mis-quoting man who is a lot like you and your fellow "let's boycott this" dolts.

This show does not go "let's make fun of Christians" in any way. It's a show where a man steals another's identity and soon comes to realize that the holy man's ways are better than his own. Hmmm, seems to me like this is pro-Christianity and not the other way around. Plus, it shows that Lutherans are accepting and tolerant people for the most part, and isn't that a good thing?


I have not watched this show ever, so I'm not going to give my opinion of 'the show'.
I came here to see what the buzz on it is, since it's being advertised to death every time I turn the tv on.
It seems like several people are complaining that it's 'making fun' of pastors/the Christian faith, whereas many others are saying it DOES NOT make fun of them.
I have a small little theory I'll throw out to anyone who wants to read it - I think the people who complain or get offended by the show showing a pastor in any other light than a messenger of faith is because they've been conditioned to do so!
It's sort of like the 'dumb cop' in sitcom lore. It's been done so many times, it's expected or assumed.
And as the poster said above, does anyone REALLY think Hollywood would make a sitcom with a Jewish Rabbi as the 'Impastor'? Or how about a Muslim cleric or whatever their equivalent is? It wouldn't happen. Hollywood would not do it.
I think that's why Christians immediately assume the show makes fun of them or mocks them.
I am not Christian and couldn't care less. But I do see the double standard of the Hollywood crowd.

"You generally don't have open-minded people being offended by much of anything." as posted above.
Maybe true for REAL open minded people, but the so-called open minded people of today's society, i.e. the 'tolerant' people, generally called liberals or progressives, are the most closed-minded and intolerant people around and get offended about EVERYTHING that isn't promoting their political ideas!
You eat meat? you're BAD!
you wear fur? You're BAD!
you smoke cigs, but not pot? You're BAD! (ps, I am very anti-cig)
you drive a truck or big car? You're BAD!
you own a gun? You're BAD!
you're a higher-up in a large corporation? You're BAD!
you think people should EARN their employment? You're BAD!
you think a US citizen must be legal? You're BAD!
you watch Fox news? You're dumb and BAD!
I could go on and on and on....
The tolerant and open-minded liberals of this country are the most easily and most often 'offended' group of people we have!


Actually I could see them making a show about someone posing as a rabbi. Probably would be pretty funny.

-Ah, here it is. "Breach Hull - All Die." Even had it underlined.


It will never happen. Or it would be so PC and sugar coated rendering it fake.

"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


They make comedies with Rabbi's all the time. Maybe if Christians didn't have a stick up their ass they'd enjoy the show more. Hell I'm a catholic and I think it's hilarious, learn to laugh at yourself.

-Ah, here it is. "Breach Hull - All Die." Even had it underlined.


I don't remember any comedies about a Rabbi. What was one?


Keeping the Faith with Ben Stiller. It was a movie but it counts. Also I've seen plenty of Rabbi characters in sitcoms.

-Ah, here it is. "Breach Hull - All Die." Even had it underlined.


Krusty the Klown's father was a Rabbi and they had an entire plotline based on Bart and him having a battle of wits.

Plus, Jews and comedy go hand-in-hand. Mel Brooks? Jon Stewart? Seriously, the list of self-deprecating Jewish comedians is endless.


Thank you, in the end Jews can do comedy.


I thought that Christians were confident enough in their religion to withstand some (extremely) gentle ribbing. Guess not.
