MovieChat Forums > Impastor (2015) Discussion > The pastor could still be alive.

The pastor could still be alive.

I get this feeling we haven't see the last of him. He'll wake up in a hospital with amnesia or something.

-Ah, here it is. "Breach Hull - All Die." Even had it underlined.


It's possible since this is a show but realistically the fall would have killed him alone

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"


The body that was found had the same pants on, but you never know.


Didn't the cops say the body had no face?

But then again they've done the misdirection trick more than a few times now so they could easily just do something like say the detectives were too dumb to realize they were looking at the back of his head.


I fully expect the pastor to be alive with memory loss in a hospital somewhere slowly regaining it and due for some hijinx


I fully expect the pastor to be alive with memory loss in a hospital somewhere slowly regaining it and due for some hijinx

This is more consistent with the vibe of the show.

I can picture going down like this... the real pastor shows up in town and Buddy turns pale because now he is certain that he has finally been discovered, as this show likes to put Buddy into the most uncomfortable of all possible situations. However, just when Buddy thinks all is lost he discovers that the real Jonathan Barlow has lost his memory but is convinced that he is the shiftless Buddy Dobbs. He escaped to this town in order to start over again and some good hearted parishioner brought him here to be counseled by the towns new wonder preacher.

Buddy is both relieved and terrified at the thought of Jonathan regaining his memories.

Alexa makes the cute observation that Jonathan just happens to have the same name as the nickname that their Pastor likes to be called, 'Buddy'.


You're probably right. I'd like it if they took it down a dark path though, having one of three helpers (Blondie, Red or the gay guy) kill the pastor because they've got their own reasons for Buddy staying in town.


Ya, the two or three cliff-hangers per episode irked me a bit after the first two shows. But now I think it's kind of a trademark, like "legend...wait for it...dary!"


Very funny and true!!


I missed the first episode. Were the pastor and Buddy going to jump off a bridge? If so for the pastor to be alive wouldn't they have to have been pulled out of the water around the same time? Or did they jump at different times or something?

"It's not your looks that keep me here, Peg. It's mine." -Al Bundy


The pastor fell trying to help Buddy off the ledge.


Sorry for a late response. Thanks! I forgot all about this show. I'll have to catch up. Do they still make it?

"It's not your looks that keep me here, Peg. It's mine." -Al Bundy


yes, season two is done filming but was pushed back to Sept or oct (I can't recall exactly). The entire first season is on OnDemand (at least for dish network it is) if you want to catch up or refresh your memory. I recently binged it and found it just as funny as the first time!

I never finish anyth


You can see the first episode (Genesis) on the tv land website.
