
Really bummed out. Meanwhile, Younger already has 2 more seasons locked up.


This is terrible. I can't believe they've done this.

I loved the show but I admit Alexa is my least favorite and I don't even care to see her goofy plot continued.


The cancellation is not a total surprise.


Dirty bastards:-(


I hate Younger. Impastor was great though. Too bad it ended the way it did.


Kinda sad as it's the only comedy I watch. Season 2 had its cliff-hanger moments, but the quality was not as good as season 1. It lost its main essence of Buddy mis-speaking Christian/churchly things. We barely saw him in church in front of a congregation much. It became a drama about a group of people.

The series finale funny bit was when Buddy said "you two are perfect for each other... like Jesus and Mary".

Oh well, still a better series than CBS crap like the new Joey Tribbiani/Matt LeBlanc show.


BALLS!!! ? I liked this show!


I know right? And they kept Younger which is a terrible show!


One of my all time favorite comedies actually and it gets the AXE... no surprise. TV land has no balls.

This show was probably the best show they've ever had and they toss it into the trash. Let's hope Netflix picks it up.


Only the good die young.


I really liked the first season. But, the second season seemed to become less and less of a comedy as it went on, and more of a bad drama.

The best thing about the show was Buddy mis-quoting things, and him dealing with the people of the town as a fake pastor. I feel like they took the show in a odd direction near the end of season 2. The whole Alexa is a sociopath drama didn't really fit well into the show IMO. And the conclusion of her actually being married, and leaving town felt like a cliff-hanger tacked on for the express purpose of trying to force the network to renew the show so fans could see the conclusion.

I think they should've kept the show simple and light-hearted (in a dark, funny sort of way that is). There were tons of fun stories they could've done with Buddy "helping" random townspeople in season 2.


What's with these networks canceling decent shows I wish they can renew it and put it back on for a third season
