President McKinley

Good episode last night but I think the writers missed something big. McKinley does get shot at the Buffalo Pan-Am fair four days later, supposedly by a lone anarchist. This episode seems to have left the matter go once the constable shoots her husband, who could well have been the first of the cell--which it seems like the show was saying existed--to attempt the assassination. Adelaide now knows her husband was involved in something bigger but says nothing about it to the American secret service/bodyguards of the president. I thought the show might be setting us up for something of a cliffhanger, but nothing doing on that.

Especially, as the time the trio are are on their boat going back to England the successful attack on McKinley must have happened and that should have set them back a bit.

A second, minor nit: I know the show has its anachronisms but how in hell did Adelaide in 1901 think she could get back to England in just two days?


A second, minor nit: I know the show has its anachronisms but how in hell did Adelaide in 1901 think she could get back to England in just two days?

Given the anachronisms, I say teenage Lindbergh gave Adelaide a lift on one of Wright's newfangled flying birds. With the prevailing jetstream giving them a really healthy boost, they would land at Heathrow with minutes to spare.


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks
