Miley Cyrus

If she can reinvent herself from this gig I would be a fan, She carried herself very well and produced a classy and beautiful performance to accompany her already stunning voice, from trash to class she rose from the ash on this one at least.

And before anyone talk about how her being half naked is not classy, Since when have woman singing anything Broadway style not been half naked?


She still is a whore..


No, she's not, but you're still a loser



She has a singing career, holmes.


Inexplicably, Watson.


Inexplicably, Watson.

She has a great voice, a ton of fans from an insanely popular show she once had, and she's willing to promote herself in a sexually suggestive and provocative way.

Do you... really not understand how she's popular? I mean I'm not even a fan and I can see this. It's marketing 101. You seem like a decently intelligent person so I'm really confused on how you don't get this.

I know you've had a rough time.


"Half naked"?
This might be the most dressed I've seen her within the past couple of years.
Her outfit was fine.
I don't appreciate her voice...typically I enjoy some of her music when other people sing it (please check out Bastille's cover of "We Can't Stop").
But even so, I wouldn't mind if she did "reinvent herself"


I know you are, but what am I?


Are you confusing her with Mary Magdalene?


Her voice was good, but that outfit was atrocious, plus I couldn't stop staring at all her ink. Sorry, but she looked like trailer trash and unfortunately for me, it takes away whatever class her voice has.

I'm in a glass case of emotion!"


plus I couldn't stop staring at all her ink.

Getting tattoos removed is a few hundred dollars.

It's gonna cost you thousands to fix that fat garbage on your face you call a nose.

I know you've had a rough time.


Sorry, but I'm entitled to my opinion, whether you like it or not and there's no need for insults!

I'm in a glass case of emotion!"


there's no need for insults!

Sorry, but she looked like trailer trash

Oh okay.

You're absolutely right, btw. There's no need for insults. That picture speaks for itself.

I know you've had a rough time.
