MovieChat Forums > A Very Murray Christmas (2015) Discussion > I truly do not understand all of the hat...

I truly do not understand all of the hate this special is receiving!

I just finished watching this special and I found it very enjoyable. I laughed aloud and found the entire special rather nostalgic as every cast member had worked with another cast member in another/other project(s). I've seen people criticizing Bill's singing, and sure it wasn't perfect, but that is what made it endearing to me. I miss hearing raw and imperfect singing on albums and this gave me just that. Some found it complicated that some actors played themselves where other didn't, but I don't see how this is different from any other celebrity cameo in a television show or movie.

In the end, some with like it and others will not, and I liked it. I just don't know why so many disliked it. This was classic sardonic Bill and in my opinion he delivered.


I loved it. It was a sweet, warm "come as you are" kind of show. I think you'd definitely have to have a taste for the unpolished--pursue it even. It's supposed to be a thrown together kind of thing with some fantasy scenes to allow for George Clooney and Miley Cyrus (and The Rockettes). Kinda like he invited people he wanted to come and they fit them in according to their abilities.

Maya Rudolph was frickin' amazing. I've seen lots of glossy perfect Christmas specials; I like a bit of humanity. Bill Murray was really funny and people sang the way they knew how to sing. I LOVED Chris Rock! Not just ironically but because he was being really brave and fun.

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. Anais Nin


Same here!!
I didn't mean to save it for Christmas Day, but decided there wasn't a better time to watch this then now, and I genuinely enjoyed it so much.
Kudos to Coppola and the cast!



I was planning on watching this tonite until I saw Miley Cyrus was in the credits. I won't have anything to do with anything that she is involved in. I do not support her type of trash or those shows that hire her on.


I don't care for Miley Cyrus' antics, but she is a good singer, and she did a good job performing in this show.

I enjoyed the entire show very much. I have a soft spot in my heart for Bill Murray.


Agreed. A terrific hour, symbolizing how folks of all caste may, under dire circumstances, get along together and have a merry old time. And Maya Rudolph? Worth the price of admission alone!


I didn't hate it, but I didn't like it that much either.

I would have liked either more story or just no pretense of a story. The story seemed very half-assed, like they were just making it up as they went along, with no regard to whether it made any sense (why did the bar have lights if there was a big blackout, for example).

I didn't find much of it very funny either.

I did like the idea of a random collection of strangers stuck in an NYC hotel bar doing an impromptu or "accidental" Christmas variety special, but it took too long to get there, and the way it was just dropped at the end didn't really work. The dream sequence was fun, but it should have gone back to the bar.


really enjoyed the Chris rock scene, his facial expressions cracked me up.
George clooney behind a Christmas tree was fun.
Cyrus made me turn the TV off.

I wanted to love it,
But really wasn't quite good enough, didn't have the magic of the ending of Scrooged, just didn't have the juxtaposition of poignancy and humour.

time to start packing!
