Poor Ending (spoilers)

Unlike a lot of the comments here, I really enjoyed the movie. And I didn't find the kids to be that bratty. And I thought the relationship between the 2 brothers was very realistic.

However, like a lot of movies these days, the ending was a huge let down. I guess there's a trend where the executives think leaving the ending "open-ended" and leaving the audience hanging is just being artsy, but really it's just a lazy way to end and disrespectful to the audience who just spend 2 hours watching.

In this particular movie, I think the father should have definitely killed Brad (the oldest boy). It would have been a much better ending if he had killed Brad, let Caleb go because he at least showed some effort in bonding with the dad, and then kill himself.


I liked the movie also but yes the ending was lacking! I thought Joel was great in this film


I wouldn't really say it was open-ended. The kids escaped. What you want 10 more minutes of them driving, finding help, talking to cops and hugging their mom?


As for the father, a bit open ended. He could have gone on the run, hiding in the woods. He could've shot himself, or ultimately just get arrested.

I don't think he was an evil guy per say, he hit his head when they crashed, was very emotional. And the scenes with the other guys was him in a bit of a delusional state trying to protect his relationship with the kids.
