MovieChat Forums > Underground (2016) Discussion > OK. Time To STop The Pointing Out Histor...

OK. Time To STop The Pointing Out Historical Inacuracies!

And realize that this show is like a tv show on Dejango Unchained and the Inglorious Bastards. It wasn't made to display a bunch of valid history lessons, but to draw the audience in with its action scenes, moving storylines, strong characters etc.

Time to stop trying to make this show pedestal of history. Its not. It is taking place in a historical time period, but like the two movies I mentioned, it is not not a totally acurate portrayal of history.

The only thing accurate about it is the treatment of slaves, the struggles and trials of the abolitionists, people like August and Tom who struggle with their humanity, and the courage of the slaves in the face of all their persecution.

Otherwise, the rest is often supplied to suit the story.
