MovieChat Forums > Morgan (2016) Discussion > 5 QUESTIONS for Those who saw "MORGAN"

5 QUESTIONS for Those who saw "MORGAN"

For anyone here who has already seen "MORGAN", I have 5 Questions below for you!

1. What Characters Live ?

2. What Characters Die ?

3. How do they die ?

4. What happens at the End ?

5. Did you like the Movie ?


1. Lee Weathers lives.
2. Almost every other character dies.
3. Stomped to death, pistol whipped to death, head-butted and then stabbed with a needle, shot to death (several of them meet this fate), a man hangs himself, a woman is smothered to death, a deer's neck is broken, and in an earlier scene a woman is stabbed in the eye repeatedly with a fork (she lives, and isn't killed until later).
4. I forgot your other question, but I enjoyed the movie.


Oh, at the end, the big hero turns out to be a genetically engineered being as well.


It wasn't really explained if she is genetically engineered or if she is a "hybrid" (if you can really call someone who is 99.99% organic and 0.01% nanotechnology based a hybrid - it's clear that the sole non organic part of Morgan is that she has a nanite embedded inside each one of her neurons) like Morgan.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


what is the goal of this 5 questions question?


LOL, There is no real goal. Money is kind of tight for me right now so instead of waiting for the movie to come out on DVD, I thought I would just ask for Spoilers now.


ah! makes sense. great approach, especially for this forgettable dud.

1. What Characters Live ?
Only Kate Mara's character Lee Weathers lives

2. What Characters Die ?

All characters in the main story die, except for Kate Mara's Lee Weathers, the L4 clone.

3. How do they die ?

k, there were some pretty decent kills.

Paul Giamatti's high end psychologist character gets his jugular bitten out by Morgan.

The overweight white lumberjack scientist computer lab operator guy, who calls Morgan "Buddy" all the time, gets a horse vial dose of Sodium Pentathanol (is that how it's spelled?) shoved into his gut by Morgan.

The Black scientist guy (you know there can only be one, and also one Asian - but she got to be the head) gets taken out nicely, becuz you don't actually see Morgan when she does it. Dude gets shot and stumbles back through the lab door with a bullet through his into view of Kate's character Lee who is behind the glass of Morgan's "bedroom"then he turns to look at Lee, and a bullet flys through his head from his right and splats the wall to his left, while he is staring guiltily at Lee, since she had just told him to let her out of the room and he didn't. dumbass.

The Chinese "mother" hen of the scientists' den gets choked out by Morgan, sleeper hold style. That was a weird scene, because it seemed like she succumbed kinda too quick to have lost all breath. But anyway, she was old. I personally like to think i would be able to last at least a full minute of sleeper hold, before full death, and that if someone neglected to choke me out for at least the full minute, that i'd have a chance of recovering from an unconscious state. but it's okay if i don't test that theory out too. for me that's one of those unanswered questions, that i don't mind living with.

A bunch of people get shot. The one egghead scientist guy kills himself by hanging. What a loser. Like he didn't notice the "killer" gene, when he spliced it into Morgan's DNA.

the Black female scientist gets bludgeoned to death after an intense fight scene. In my opinion her character just may have also been a clone, like maybe an L5 version, alternatively she was simply fight trained, because she gives Morgan pretty decent resistance for a short minute. The cool thing about that bludgeoning is the extra violent 2 or 3 additional blows beyond the point that the chick is way dead already. Once again, one part of the action happens off shot, because you don't see the woman being bludgeoned, just Morgan's aggressive bludgeon swing, hear the gross sound a crunching bone and flesh, and see the reaction of the Behaviorist chick standing behind Morgan in shock that her beloved "child" can be so brutal. lol! but that's also what makes me think that the Black woman was a clone, because Morgan had the ability to sense clones, and that might be why she went extra brutal, to make sure this woman stayed dead. This bludgeon is also important to the story, because it shows that later when Morgan skewers Lee against the branch in the woods, she deliberately shows mercy by walking away and not snapping her neck or choking her out like the others. It's left ambiguous as to why Morgan leaves Lee alive. 1. Does Morgan feel emotion for her because she knows Lee is a clone too? 2. Does Morgan leave Lee alive kind of as a suicide safety timer, knowing there's a good chance Lee will free herself from the branch and come take Morgan out, but wants time to enjoy the lake first?

Kate's character Lee Weathers, also a clone like Morgan, uses the lake which Morgan has longed for the entire movie, to drown her out. yep, that was *beep* up... "You love the lake so much? Die in it, B*tch!" k, she didn't actually say that, but the movie wuzzz kinda dull, so i found myself spicing up the scenes with my own running dialogue in my mind.

4. What happens at the End ?
Kate Mara's character Lee Weathers turns out to be a nano hybrid clone, like Morgan, but an earlier version. Lee Weathers is an L4, while Morgan is an L7 or something. But the L4s are simpler, pure efficient killers without a whole lot of extras, like the T101 compared to the TX. You can only imagine that while the TX has way more features, if anything does go wrong it's a real bitch to resolve, and the same is true of Morgan, because not only does she kill like a trained assassin (except she's never had any training) but she wants to go play outside and swim in the lake, like any other 5 year old. You can see the dilemma. Well Kate's L4 character Lee doesn't particularly care if she's inside or outside, and as we see in the final kill scene, she pretty much views lakes as a weapon, great for choking someone out.

5. Did you like the Movie ?
I gave it a 6. Story was a 3. Style and visuals were a 7. Technically those should average out to a 5, but Paul Giamatti's intense Psych evaluation, and Kate Mara being on screen almost the entire film are worth the 1 point bump.
Honestly while rip apart the story, it felt like a short film with very little substance, the motivations were either unclear for the corporation behind it, the scientists which didn't make sense they would try and save something they designed to kill, ridiculous. but at the same the action fight scenes looked very cool, it was all very stylish and beautiful to see on screen, so i consider the film mildly entertaining, and worth the watch if it's ever "free" (aka bundled) on prime, or on netflix or sum'n.

you're making the right move by saving your money from watching it in theaters. if you're already broke, you'da been pissed.
i hope all that helps!


Thank You for answering and letting me know! :)


That pretty much soms it up dariondanjou
and so nicely I actualy read the whole novel. Although letting Lee can have something to do with the deer and branch trough body and all.


I'm gonna follow suit. Money is tight.

Questionable movie. I'll take the summary.

Great movie. I'll spring the dough.


You shouldn't ask for all the details and spoilers of the movie and then decide whether or not to see it. No surprise or anticipation going in? terrible way to see a movie. A little bit odd if you ask me. Too bad others already answered your questions, I would say:

1. What Characters Live ? Not telling

2. What Characters Die ? Not telling

3. How do they die ? Not telling

4. What happens at the End ? Not telling

5. Did you like the Movie ? Yes

Herbert West: Who's going to believe a talking head? Get a job in a sideshow.


Too late!





You do know that you can read the entire plot on Wikipedia if you want spoilers, right?
