I liked it

I maybe a little biased since I am zombie fan and from Louisiana, but I liked this movie. I found it more "realistic" zombie movie compared to World War Z. Don't get me wrong, it is a B+ movie. I would recommend it to any other zombie fans out there that haven't had a zombie fix in a while.

My only gripe is with the directors: have consistency with your zombie actions. At the beginning, you see fast paced zombies that just bite once and move on to other targets (I guess to get the action moving). Later on, the zombies become shuffling and are seen feasting on corpses. Its one or the other, not both.


My only gripe is with the directors: have consistency with your zombie actions. At the beginning, you see fast paced zombies that just bite once and move on to other targets (I guess to get the action moving). Later on, the zombies become shuffling and are seen feasting on corpses. Its one or the other, not both.

You can have both, freshly infected and/or less damaged zombies can still be quite mobile. While more damaged and/or longer infected will be slower.
Plus while there are more un-infected for the zombie to target, they are less likely to stay feasting on one and keep moving on to fresher ones.

I liked the WWZ zombies as they would do anything to get to an un-infected person including climbing over each other and just running off the top of a building. lol

I enjoyed this movie too, one of the better B movies. I have seen a lot of Zombie movies and series, getting on for 900 now and still plenty more coming out. :)


You can have both, freshly infected and/or less damaged zombies can still be quite mobile. While more damaged and/or longer infected will be slower.

I don't disagree, except this movie's timeline is less than a week. Slower, more decomposed zombies would be practical after a month or so (maybe a week), but that is not the case here. This movie had both within a 72 hour time frame.

Plus while there are more un-infected for the zombie to target, they are less likely to stay feasting on one and keep moving on to fresher ones.

I don't know. So the person they just downed isn't fresh? I can believe that once the flesh is gone (multiple zombies feasting on the same corpse), then they would move on to the next target. This movie showed zombies tackling people, biting once on their neck, then moving on.

I liked the WWZ zombies as they would do anything to get to an un-infected person including climbing over each other and just running off the top of a building. lol

That is why I hated WWZ. Sure, if you down enough of them, then they can walk upon their corpses, but that CGI wave of zombies was too unzombie-like (I don't know a better adjective)

I enjoyed this movie too, one of the better B movies. I have seen a lot of Zombie movies and series, getting on for 900 now and still plenty more coming out. :)

I completely agree with you.


[quote][That is why I hated WWZ. Sure, if you down enough of them, then they can walk upon their corpses, but that CGI wave of zombies was too unzombie-like (I don't know a better adjective) /quote]

Yeah I have to agree the CGI was a let down in WWZ.


Where WWZ (film) fell down for me is making them super fast etc. The core issue in the Book was that no matter how much firepower you have, there will be just too many (Millions) to deal with as was shown in the battle of Yonkers. Modern weapons are designed to wound and kill... not obliterate. Killing a million Zombies with just head shots in a battle is impossible.


I agree. They didn't go over the top with stunts and last minute escapes and the Seals used pretty good tactics. One SEAL way way too fat though to be believable and that was distracting.


That fat Navy seal, was actually played by a guy who was a Navy Seal in real life


That fat Navy seal, was actually played by a guy who was a Navy Seal in real life

That must have been many lbs ago. I thought several of the seals here were overweight.

tbh, I enjoyed this movie more than many that have cost tens of millions of dollars more.


I liked it too, it had a few flaws but a better story than most b-grade zombie movies


ner_98 I liked it too. It was a fun ride. I think some of the special effects added took something away from the film for sure. Too bad they didn't have the budget to do something better for what I saw when the bridge was hit by fire from the plane and when the city was hit by fire from the plane. Now in regards to the story I am not sure if I got this right but did some secret agency for the United States infect it's own people to test out ff they had a way to have the US Forces not be infected by it? Was this the testing of a weapon that in the future would be used on other nations in times of conflict? That is the vibe I seemed to get from this. If anyone cares to comment on that please do.
