Military Porn

This focuses way, way too much on the military and just sets it in the backdrop of a zombie outbreak so there's something for the bros to do. The zombies are almost an afterthought; it seems the point of this movie is to watch kickass dudes being kickass with no humor or irony in sight.

Who is this movie for? Maybe if you've served in the military and wanna relive the glory days but are now 45 and have a huge beer gut, you'd dig this. It's "mindless" to the extreme and seems like it's written by a teenager with a military hard-on. None of the characters were rounded, I could barely tell them apart. They were just "hardass gun dude #1" and "hardass gun dude #2" with no personality or depth. Completely superficial and without heart. Then they shot zombies sometimes.


Hmmm. . .

I was military, but I thought the movie was just okay and don't think it's within the caliber of "Saving Private Ryan" or "American Sniper."

. . .it seems the point of this movie is to watch kickass dudes being kickass with no humor or irony in sight.

None of the characters were rounded, I could barely tell them apart. They were just "hardass gun dude #1" and "hardass gun dude #2" with no personality or depth. Completely superficial and without heart. Then they shot zombies sometimes.

I agree. But then again, what do you expect from a B-movie? In my opinion, this movie was made just to cash in on the popularity of (past) commando flicks and "The Walking Dead": all visual with little to no substance.
