The comedy tone is in the gutter!!!!

I just don't get it,
Modern day roasts tend to be of such a level of poor taste and gutter like humour compared to the classic dean Martin ones and the legendary don rickles which are hilarious,but I watched like 10 min of Justin Bieber.And you have some guy just talking bout finger blasting Martha Stewart??!!why!!!'and then talking bout her only 35 so wasn't even alive for most of old ones but have seen them on you tube.i just don't get why they have to settle for such a low tone,I don't find it funny at all,really good comedians don't need to go there,but even the good ones sometimes do which is even more disappointing when they don't need to make you laugh.
Maybe I'm born out of my time but it's just lazy and not funny to me.and makes me want to just turn it off and watch the old ones on YouTube!!
Why not get a list movie legends ect and have them rib eachother like the older ones would be brilliant.
