
I don't know yet about her. She takes here, "I'm tough" a little too far. Sure she has 5 brothers and all...


I just thought it was hilarious how she was all about being a legit actress on Broadway not someone whose career is based on being a little person when her role in Side Show was based on being a little person...



That midget is ridiculous, it needs to get over itself. I mean who wants sex with a dwarf? Acting career, c'mon what a joke.

Exactly how people probably feel about your obvious mental disability.


Have to agree Blue Rain, especially since I've learned since working with Little People that there is no such thing in the medical world as a midget. There are a couple hundred types of dwarfs, but not one is classified as a midget. This lady is living so far in the past when Little People were considered something other than normal. I suppose Movie-Bandit would like to see them institutionalized so we can just visit them. They cannot help how they are born but do the best they can with what they have...Can Movie-Bandit say the same about her life?" People can use the derogatory term "midget" all they like but it just shows their stupidity.

And all people have a certain type of person they are attracted to. I know my type. Did you ever think these men are not working out a fetish but just are attracted to short women, then get to know and love them?

Movie-Bandit, are you serious or just a troll?

Oh and BTY, here is Wikipedia's definition of a midget. Midget (from midge, a sand fly) is a term for a person of unusually short stature that is widely considered pejorative. While not a medical term , it has been applied to persons of unusually short stature, often with the medical condition dwarfism, particularly proportionate dwarfism.

The description "midget" always reminds me of commercials for late night foreign television where they promote bowling with midgets. Makes me sick.


Ahhh, you hit the nail on the head. I've been wondering what I don't like about her (ha) and it's totally the "I'm a bad bitch" thing she's been pushing way too hard.

There's nothing wrong with letting people know you're a strong woman but she's the definition of someone who's trying too hard with the tough girl attitude and I just get the vibe that she's not quite as scrappy as she likes to think.😏


try her


You see that a lot in male dominated jobs. You'll have the females that are there, do their work and don't try to be a guy......then you have the females that are all loud and proud with the "I'm a woman hear me roar, I grew up with all brothers and only guy friends I can burp and out fart you all, I'm just as tough as a guy, look guys I'm so different from your wives I talk about porn and sex I'm so damn cool, don't mess with me, I can fight a dude at the same level as the dude." Then they crash on a 10 mile hump and some guy has to take her pack for her cause she can't keep up. The ones who boast the loudest of how tough they are, are compensating. The real tough ladies keep it quiet and let their actions speak for her.
