
Shut uppppp!


I mentally picture someone picking her up and tossing her out the window like a tennis ball. She's that annoying.


Omg! Not a tennis ball. 😱

The visual of that is killing me. But seriously. She's a hateful little thing isn't she? How'd she get in this group being so judgmental?

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination..."


Actually, she'd be more like throwing a bag of cats out the window. She's aggressive like a bag of cats.

She is an angry woman. She reminds me of the girls who always have to tell everyone they're so secure, they love their job, they love being single, they love their life, they're perfect......blah, blah, blah.....but deep down are super insecure and are compensating by reminding people that they're not.

Where was she going with the slavery versus little people performing rant? Nuts.


aggressive like a bag of cats....lolololol I'm going to have to steal that line lol


She's a nasty one.

She had some truth to what she said but to be such a forceful b*tch about it is wrong. Don't even go if you don't believe in your sis-in-law's dreams.

And that slavery comment? Why?


This whole convo made me lol and yeah the whole slavery comment was too much. She's clearly super insecure about being a little person she lashes out about it. I thought Christy from LA was bad lol but this woman is cray!



She really is very uncomfortable with her world. She hates the fact that she is a little person. I mean I wonder if she is happy with any part of her life. I'm going to say this, it's mean, but she looks like a Mac truck hit her square in the face! I wonder why she is doing this show?? Its considered to be a show for entertainment. Right? I hope she reads this forum! Nobody like her, or her character! Dawn, you're an actress!! What's your point???



She was completely right. I dont know why she has to be a complete bitch though. Must be absolutely miserable.


She is very opinionated and can be annoying and almost insulting but I do agree with her with a lot of the things she said. It's fine if they want to be taken seriously as performers but they always end up doing the cliche stereotypical little people roles.


She is a "performer". (Dawn)


Shes such a bitching snob.
