Until it happens ??!

It's all fine and good until something actually happened. This guy was a sick and pathetic person. We can all think of different fantasies but to actually conspire and actually put real women's names to these sick fantasies crosses the line.
Let's blame it on divorce LMFAO. Like the millions of other kids that's parents get divorced think of this sick stuff??
Please !! This weirdo belongs locked in a mental institution at the very least. What a damn freak !!!



It's all fine and good until something actually happened

And, that is what is so scary about this. This case exemplifies what IS wrong with the internet. The internet is a wonderful research and communication tool that can be easily abused.

It is scary to think how many deviant personalities are feeding off of each other via chat rooms, etc. and how long will it take for these conversations/images to stoke their interest to the point they act on these thoughts? That is an unknown, unfortunately and something that cannot be policed.


The prosecution would've loved to have you on the jury. They pick people just like you. Overly emotional, quick to judge, and have the ability to condemn someone because they're weird.

"Juror X" in the interview even admitted that they didn't have proof "beyond a reasonable doubt", which is the required legal standard, but they convicted him anyway. She's lucky jurors can't be held accountable for that, apparently.

I don't think you really paid attention while watching this. The jury is not supposed to convict someone because they think the person will probably do something. That's not enough, and that's why the judge overturned their verdict.

He had sick fantasies, and using the real names made the fantasies more real in his own mind, for his own pleasure. It obviously wouldn't have been as exciting if he just made up names. That would be like role-playing with your partner while constantly breaking the fantasy by going out of character... it's just not sexy or exciting that way.

Of course he is a weird guy who shouldn't be a cop, and his wife was right to leave with the baby, but the investigation showed time after time that he never followed through with any "plans" he made with people in chat rooms and he never purchased or built any of the contraptions he said he had. It was a sick game to him.


I don't know about jury because in my country the judge is also the juror.

This people are all over the internet, and they are not in the "Deep Web", they are in websites that anyone can google.

I think this guy is guilty of using the Police database for personal issues and what is worst, for personal unlawful issues (kidnap, murder, cannibalism). He didn't kidnap nor murder anyone, but he did something very dangerous and in some places illegal. I don't know if it's a crime there, but seeing the facts, he engaged on conspiracy to commit kidnapping and conspiracy to commit human trafficking, not sure if the proof was enough for conspiracy to commit murder, though.
And all the women whose pictures were sent to other users as potential victims should be able to sue him, because he actually sent those photos to users who may or may not be real life criminals.

If it's just fantasy, why he didn't use the pictures of fetish models around the web? Why he made it personal?

He deserves worst than what he got, I hope this guy doesn't change his name and goes to Ciudad Juarez or somewhere else to kidnap innocent women.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language


If it's just fantasy, why he didn't use the pictures of fetish models around the web? Why he made it personal?

I answered that in my reply to the other person. He used real names of real women because that made the fantasy more real to him. It is a fantasy that he is now personally attached to.

I'm not saying he's a great guy... and I said he should not be a police officer, but there obviously was not enough evidence that he was going to kill/kidnap/eat someone.


He used real names of real women because that made the fantasy more real to him. It is a fantasy that he is now personally attached to.

But only their first names. There's a difference.

Also he never gave away their addresses so planning to kidnap and torture three of them at roughly the same time on two different continents with the assistance of people that he didn't know, and then take them to his non-existent cabin in the woods or his non-existent cellar with a massive oven is pure fantasy.

Sure, they're sick fantasies, but seeing as mine is to kidnap Sepp Blatter and shove a thermonuclear device into his mouth whilst he sodomises Donald Trump and then set it off, then try as I might I doubt it will come to fruition.

But it's my fantasy so don't lock me up for it.

If the opposite of Love is indifference, what's the opposite of Hate?


It's kind of obvious, but this is the point of the whole thing. How far should we have to go in order for the law to do something? Forget where the law iIS for a moment and think where it SHOULD be? I don't know. You want to take each case in turn, but we need to have a written code of law. The Internet is opens us to new things every day.

This dude was just whacking it a little too much for his own good. And the seedy losers he was hanging out with should have set his alarm bells off if he was a decent human being. If you are communicating mostly with dangerous pervs, what does it say about you? I take the guy at his word. It was all fantasy, but if he really had the opportunity, and wasn't such a feckless loser, he may have done it.

I do think it's a major problem with police psych batteries. They tend to attract people with power and sadistic tendencies far too much and don't weed them out. Psychiatry is such a messy field, but I think there's an issue here. Usually it's not as horrible as this. It's more likely to result in me having to endure a pompous lecture by a 22 year old about the dangers of wet roads. But we need people who are good at diffusing issues, where we too often get the ones who escalate them.

End of rant.


this is the LAW!!!

the police cant do anything unless a crime is committed.
the police have gone to the supreme court and got a ruling that they DO NOT HAVE TO PROTECT YOU!!
this stems from a woman who called the police and told them her ex was coming to kill her..
the police said they cant do anything unless something happens. she was stabbed 27 times ,and sued the police for failing to protect her.

there have been so many cases where the police watched attacks happening and simply did nothing because they dont HAVE to help you.
how this guy got charged at all, with him being a cop. is worthy of a movie in its self.. that the story i want to see !! when a DA decided he was going to take down a cop !!


You're an idiot dude


No he's not


I wonder what would have happened to the guy if he fantasized about raping/eating children (hard for me to even write) or blowing buildings up? F the first ammendment if it is useless in protecting people.


It's how he said the fantasies; making plans w/ others he didn't follow through with. Talking about it...there is no thought crime if you don't write anything down. Was this going to go further? Who knows? But he could have decided to do it...trip to Maryland. He's a sociopath; he knows what he was thinking about was disgusting, perverted, and could have led down the path for a real death. You can't convict a person on things he didn't do, but would you want him around your neighborhood, friends, children, wives, moms and women in general if you knew he was saying this and occasionally says he is really going to do this. This guy showed NO emotion except that he was being used as a martyr. The look in his eyes, the things he said in the documentary. Match.com wisely took him off. He should be on a sex offender's (reasonable facsimile) list. He said he wouldn't do it in the future because he knew he'd never get away with it no matter how sneaky he could become.
Just a head's up to let people know they are being watched, so watch what you say and where you go on the internet.

The next time I have an idea like that, punch me in the face. -- Tyrion Lannister
