So that video....?

They say it was their daddy but not their mommy.

This leads you to believe there's a bigger connection and a mystery to solve. Who is the girl in the video? What's the connection with this family/this girl/Emelie? Is this Emilie's motivation for picking this family? How does Emilie have the video?

But nope. No answers. No connection, then? Just a random selection? How did she have the video? Who was this girl the dad was having sex with?

I'd like the movie a lot more if I had some clarity on this video. And if the ending was stronger. A lot of great suspense and mystery built up in the first hour... with a bit of a weak payoff and no answers in the final act.


I thought she found the video in the box she opened?
And where did they say anything about the dad was in it but not their mom?
For me it all seemed like a private video of their parents. No bigger mystery about it.


The daughter says "That's not mommy", which is pretty much conclusive that the woman in the video was not the mom.


It's an opinion, not a statement of fact nor a declaration of war on your existence. Relax.


Exactly. They said "daddy is naked" and "that's not mommy." I can't imagine he's keeping a video of his having affair in a box in the closet. And how would Emelie know what was on it anyways? We never see what was in the box but I assume it was the gun.


I don't think she knew, just that it's reasonable to suggest an unlabelled video in a locked box must have something interesting on it.


I think there was a part where they take a gun out of that container. Memory of the scene is shady. Maybe the gun and the video were both stored there.


It's an opinion, not a statement of fact nor a declaration of war on your existence. Relax.


They didn't show us because I remember thinking "I bet there is a gun in there" but they just cut away to something else.

When watching the film I took "that's not mummy" to be denial given the situation and that it sounded like her. But now you have be wondering. Since it's on VHS recorded on a new recorder one imagines it made around the time they're first together. Would you keep a tape of a previous encounter in your house even if in a locked box?

Still having a VHS player hooked up in this day and age one can only chock up to entropy (or perhaps so he could watch this video )

"What kind of tea do you want?"
"There's more than one kind?"


considering it was a video tape, it was most likely from BEFORE his marriage. why would someone record his affair on a VHS tape in 2016, especially considering that vhs full size cams weight like 30 pounds, when you can just use your cell phone?


Yeah, it wasn't the mom in the video, it was another woman. The little girl points that out.


I thought it was plainly obvious the film was the father doing the deed with another woman. The other woman was the wife of the guy doing the father's wife.
You see they were swingers, that's what suburban couples do after a few years of marriage when poking the same hole gets monotonous and becomes a chore.
Some partners have a secret liaison, some couples swing, it's of course not without repercussions if the other guy has an enormous todger.


LOL... well, well... look who's been going to masked parties in countryside, Kubrick-esque mansions. :-D


It's an opinion, not a statement of fact nor a declaration of war on your existence. Relax.



I took that to be her seeing her mother but deciding that it couldn't possibly really be her as she found it unthinkable that her mother would do those things. especially since nobody ever claimed it was their mother before that, so her comment had to be based on seeing her

I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me...


Agree. Such a great first hour leads to a weak, I mean a very weak climax.


She didn't understand what was happening. She at first didn't believe the woman was her mother. I think she was just shocked that her mother was performing a sexual act.


It was not her mother on the tape.

In the beginning of the movie we can see the mother acting jealous when the father smiles to the nanny. In the car she brings this up again and he is ashamed. So the viewer gets a hint that he has been unfaithful before.

The point of the daughter saying "that´s not mommy" is to inform the viewer of just that fact. That it´s not the mother. So it´s the video of when the dad had an affair.


Really? For me it is a VHS sex tape which means it was recorded at least 15-20 years ago. The child is only 7, and has no idea what her mom would have looked like 15-20 years ago. Women change alot more than men in age,


Actually, there's conflicting dialogue. Christopher says, "It's mummy" and Sally says, "That's not mummy" before looking at the screen. Either way, it's on VHS so probably recorded a good few years ago.

I would say it could have been another woman, since their father was probably a racing driver (the car in the garage, dad's old uniform and helmet, and the tickets to NASCAR suggest this). There was also tension between mum and dad when he suggested 'Anna' seemed like a very nice girl.


You're overthinking it...

It was just a sextape they recorded long ago. The daughter said "It's not mummy, because she was in a denial, as she was disgusted by it". Simple.


I think you are the one overthinking it. The daughter said it´s not mommy because it was not mommy.
