this is *beep*

so the girl wrote a plot about her own life story and made the entire class to follow her idea, and then she quitted at the last minute because the boy didn't have any romantic feeling for her? what a bitch! and all her classmates actually excused her irresponsible act and forgave her right away, that's so illogical! how did she got such a high respect from her classmates and was blamed by nobody?


She didn't "make" anybody do anything. She wrote the story after much egging on from her classmates, who were there encouraging and supporting her.

And emotions are complicated. She essentially got her heart broken the night before the show, and probably would have felt pretty stupid going up there and doing her play in the state of things. So she made the decision to run away, which was her way of dealing with things. Was it the most mature way? Probably not, but she was a high school girl who was slowly re-gaining her confidence only to be shattered like that. Also, the show was her brain-child, everyone in the class seemed to adore her, and she was the reason all of them were there together in the first place, so maybe her classmates were willing to give her a pass after all that transpired.

Personally, I loved the movie. It really grabbed me with that opening, and held me the whole way through. I loved how three-dimensional all the characters were (even side characters like the mom and the grandparents), and I loved how the love stories played out in a somewhat unexpected way. And I was really moved by how they expressed the idea of words being able to hurt people and thinking carefully about how to get your message out. Also whoever came up with the idea to combine "Over the Rainbow" with that Beethoven Sonata was a genius, that song was beautiful.


I just watched this movie, with no expectations,... and I cried at the end!! :/ When she walked in and sang...
